
biologist site.news_by_theme

Fido forever? S. Korea's dog cloning clinic
Fido forever? S. Korea's dog cloning clinic
UNESCO adds Kazakhstani site to list of biosphere reserves
UNESCO adds Kazakhstani site to list of biosphere reserves
Face value: How fertile women spot rivals
Face value: How fertile women spot rivals
Kazakh scientists suggest adding live bacteria to cattle's feed
Kazakh scientists suggest adding live bacteria to cattle's feed
Revival of Przewalski's horses continues in Kazakhstan
Revival of Przewalski's horses continues in Kazakhstan
DNA may survive trip to suborbital space and back
DNA may survive trip to suborbital space and back
Sturgeon may inhabit Kazakhstan's northern regions first time ever
Sturgeon may inhabit Kazakhstan's northern regions first time ever
Worms, flies and humans: how we are related
Worms, flies and humans: how we are related
New residents of Semey: cormorants inhabit Irtysh river
New residents of Semey: cormorants inhabit Irtysh river
Tiny 'living fossil' found in New Zealand waters
Tiny 'living fossil' found in New Zealand waters
Kazakh diet potatoes: New healthy alternative
Kazakh diet potatoes: New healthy alternative
New quest to study 'living fossil' coelacanth
New quest to study 'living fossil' coelacanth
Fists came first for hand evolution, scientists suggest
Fists came first for hand evolution, scientists suggest
Darwin earns 4,000-plus votes in US election
Darwin earns 4,000-plus votes in US election
Kazakhstan geneticist bred embryo of chicken with crocodile's head
Kazakhstan geneticist bred embryo of chicken with crocodile's head
Kazakh-flag-color roses coming soon
Kazakh-flag-color roses coming soon
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