Sexual row unfolds over Almaty Central Mosque
One of the students of the Madrasah for Women of Almaty city's Central Mosque complains that the school’s students are forced to become wives of the imams.
No pet hates as dog donates blood to save cat
Traditional animal rivalries were set aside in New Zealand when a dog's blood was used to save the life of a poisoned cat in a rare inter-species transfusion.
21 August 2013
Australian lodges fork in penis for sexual pleasure
Shocked doctors had to perform emergency surgery on a man in the Australian capital Canberra after he lodged a 10 centimetre (four-inch) steel fork inside his penis for sexual pleasure.
20 August 2013
Twitter plea for pot costs Canadian his job
A Toronto area mechanic who posted a Twitter message seeking marijuana to alleviate boredom at work this week got an unexpected reply -- from police with an apparent sense of humour.
Paraguay watches odd urban gold rush They appeared out of nowhere, making a mess, operating without a permit and disrupting the football season by luring gawkers.
06 August 2013
US Arts Academy chief quits over false resume The chief executive of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences has agreed to resign on July 31, the body announced Thursday following reports she had embellished her cv.
Man drives bath tub in AlmatyAlmaty drivers took a video of a man with soaped head and a towel over his back driving a portable bath tub down Abay street.
05 July 2013
Brief encounter for porn film at China railway station A maintenance worker surprised passers-by near a Chinese railway station when he started watching a banned porn film, not realising his computer was connected to a giant screen
02 July 2013
Drunk Aussie lets seven-year-old drive him home Police on Friday charged a drunk man after pulling over a car on Australia's Gold Coast to allegedly find a seven-year-old boy driving him home at 3:00 am.