For the first time The Spirit of Tengri has invited European bands to perform in Almaty. Contemporary ethnic band from Hungary Tilla Torok & Holdviola along with Estonian TRAD.ATTACK will be performing at The Spirit of Tengri. There will also be a band that is partly European - Nordic Namgar, a Norwegian-Butyrat project.
Earlier, Lajos Gal of Holdviola told Hungarian MTI about the prestigious festival in Kazakhstan.
The name The Spirit of Tengri, Stop writes quoting MTI, refers to the ancient musical culture. Almaty’s center turned into a major open-air free event for the weekend. This year, musicians from 11 countries came to The Spirit of Tengri. Holdviola represented by Tilla Torok (singer and violin player), Farkas Péter (drummer) and Gál Lajos (guitarist) brings the authentic Hungarian folk music mixed with electronic music. The Hungarian band performs on the second day of the festival, June 7. The Ambassador of Hungary to Kazakhstan is expected to come to The Spirit of Tengri on the day Holdviola performs.
Lajos Gál said that the performers of the festival included outstanding artists from other foreign counties such as Hanggai, a band from Beijing playing Mongolian folk, and Turkish alternative music band Baba Zula founded twenty years ago.
The first day of the festival became a truly memorable experience. The performance of each band was introduced with a video on the history, geography and culture of the country they represented. People in the audience were waving flags of participant countries.
Today, the second day of the festival brings more exciting artists and musical experiences.
By Gyuzel Kamalova