Tengrinews.kz - A court in the Kyzylorda region has sentenced two residents for the illegal hunting of saiga antelopes.
According to the Supreme Court's press service, the two residents of the Kyzylorda region went on an illegal saiga hunting expedition, chasing a herd in a vehicle and shooting at them. The court did not specify when the crime took place.
The vehicle was stopped by inspectors from the nature conservation department, forestry service, and wildlife inspection. Over 30 carcasses and five saiga heads were discovered at the scene. According to an expert assessment, the damage to the state exceeded 80 million tenge.
The Specialized Interdistrict Court on Criminal Cases (SMUS) of the Kyzylorda region reviewed the criminal case against the two defendants, who were charged with illegal hunting involving weapons and vehicles, causing significant damage (Clause 2, Part 6, Article 337 of the Criminal Code). The court stated that the criminal actions were confirmed by the submitted evidence.
The court found the defendants guilty and sentenced them to 6 and 7 years of imprisonment. They are also prohibited from engaging in hunting for 7 and 8 years, respectively.
The convicted individuals were jointly ordered to pay over 77 million tenge in material damages. They have already reimbursed 3 million tenge to the state. The Kyzylorda Regional Court upheld the verdict without any changes.