Revealed: How sea lions make mega-dives
Scientists in California have shed light on a marine mystery: how diving mammals can hunt for food at great depths without getting the "bends".
20 September 2012
Australian coal basin may be top 10 polluter: Greenpeace
A coal basin near Australia's Great Barrier Reef will rank among the world's worst producers of carbon pollution if fully mined, Greenpeace said Wednesday as it warned of devastating consequences.
Australian super-trawler ban in doubt
Australia's hopes of blocking a controversial super-trawler from fishing in its waters looked uncertain with the opposition speaking out against the move and a key independent lawmaker expressing reservations.
Climate: Could 'Dr. Strangelove' idea be an option?
A controversial idea to brake global warming, first floated by the father of the hydrogen bomb, is affordable and technically feasible, but its environmental impact remains unknown.
Caspian map requires time and moneyThe final result that we want is a topographic map of the shelf and bottom of Kazakhstan sector in 1:25,000 scale: expert.
22 August 2012
Climate change driving Australian fish south: report Australian scientists said Friday there was now "striking evidence" of extensive southward migration of tropical fish and declines in other species due to climate change, in a major ocean report card.
20 August 2012
New spider family found in US caves A team of amateur cave explorers and arachnologists has found a new family of spiders in caves and old-growth redwood forests in Oregon and California.
Brazil court orders work on Amazon dam suspended A federal court in Brazil on Tuesday ordered that work on the huge Belo Monte dam in the Amazon be suspended, saying native communities affected by the controversial hydroelectric project must be heard.
17 August 2012
Fukushima caused mutant butterflies: scientists Genetic mutations have been found in three generations of butterflies from near Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, scientists said Tuesday, raising fears radiation could affect other species.
Vietnam, US begin historic Agent Orange cleanup From deformed infants to grandparents with cancer, families near Vietnam's Danang Airbase have long blamed the toxic legacy of war for their ills.