Heavy surge of bed bugs have been recorded in Aktau, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Lada.kz. “40 cases of apartments infestation were registered in Aktau in 2009. The first case was reported by a 28a microdistrict resident who leased his apartments to market traders. They brought their goods with bugs from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. There were 60 cases in 2010 and more than 700 in 2011. Today we are getting about 10-20 calls daily,” Olga Smirnova, director of Medic-hygienist firm that eradicates parasites said. According to her, people are the main carriers of the insects. People visit each other in their apartments and bring bugs to their hosts homes, or, vice versa, spread the insects from their own apartments to friends on their clothes. Furniture, carpets, clothes, bed sheets that were purchased at the market could become one more source of transmission. Smirnova added that it is hardly possible for citizens to eradicate the bed bugs on their own. The experts advise to approach the relevant services without delaying.
Heavy surge of bed bugs have been recorded in Aktau, Tengrinews.kz reports, citing Lada.kz.
“40 cases of apartments infestation were registered in Aktau in 2009. The first case was reported by a 28a microdistrict resident who leased his apartments to market traders. They brought their goods with bugs from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. There were 60 cases in 2010 and more than 700 in 2011. Today we are getting about 10-20 calls daily,” Olga Smirnova, director of Medic-hygienist firm that eradicates parasites said.
According to her, people are the main carriers of the insects. People visit each other in their apartments and bring bugs to their hosts homes, or, vice versa, spread the insects from their own apartments to friends on their clothes. Furniture, carpets, clothes, bed sheets that were purchased at the market could become one more source of transmission.
Smirnova added that it is hardly possible for citizens to eradicate the bed bugs on their own. The experts advise to approach the relevant services without delaying.