Extermination of cows imported last September has started in two farms in North Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports. Kazakhstan veterinarian services detected virus diarrhea and Schmallenberg virus in all the imported cows (over 700 Simmental cows). The cows were imported from Austria. A sanitary group from Astana has been working in Leonov farm for two days already. The cows receive lethal injections and their corpses are then transported to special burial site where they are burnt. Over 300 cows, including newborn calves have been exterminated so far. However, the exterminator were not allowed to Poltavskoye farm. According to Director of the farm Yeltai Zikirin, the sanitary group was not allowed at the territory because it lacked proper documents. “They only had a letter signed by the regional inspector that stated that virus diarrhea and Schmallenberg virus are enlisted into the list of hazardous diseases that require seizure and extermination of animals, according to the Government Decree No.136 dated February 15, 2013 that amends the Government Decree No.407 dated April 28, 2003. But this note was more of the informative nature and not a decree. The epidemiological crew agreed that they lacked the required documents and we jointly made a report on that. It was signed by both parties,” Zikirin said. However, according to chairman of the Veterinary Control Commission Nigmat Zhakupbayev, extermination in Poltavskoye farm has started today, February 18, and will last for three days. The plan is to exterminate around 400 cows and 200 calves.
Extermination of cows imported last September has started in two farms in North Kazakhstan, Tengrinews.kz reports.
Kazakhstan veterinarian services detected virus diarrhea and Schmallenberg virus in all the imported cows (over 700 Simmental cows). The cows were imported from Austria. A sanitary group from Astana has been working in Leonov farm for two days already. The cows receive lethal injections and their corpses are then transported to special burial site where they are burnt. Over 300 cows, including newborn calves have been exterminated so far.
However, the exterminator were not allowed to Poltavskoye farm. According to Director of the farm Yeltai Zikirin, the sanitary group was not allowed at the territory because it lacked proper documents. “They only had a letter signed by the regional inspector that stated that virus diarrhea and Schmallenberg virus are enlisted into the list of hazardous diseases that require seizure and extermination of animals, according to the Government Decree No.136 dated February 15, 2013 that amends the Government Decree No.407 dated April 28, 2003. But this note was more of the informative nature and not a decree. The epidemiological crew agreed that they lacked the required documents and we jointly made a report on that. It was signed by both parties,” Zikirin said.
However, according to chairman of the Veterinary Control Commission Nigmat Zhakupbayev, extermination in Poltavskoye farm has started today, February 18, and will last for three days. The plan is to exterminate around 400 cows and 200 calves.