site.news_by_theme vegetables
Potato sales restrictions lifted in Astana - Akimat - In Astana, the restriction on the sale of potatoes up to 5 kilograms per customer has been lifted. The information was confirmed
24 January 2025
Cigarettes in cabbage tried to smuggle out of Kazakhstan - Cigarettes hidden in cabbage were attempted to be smuggled out of Kazakhstan, according to the press service of the National
31 October 2024
Panic in the kitchen: UK digests new fruit and veg advice
It was with a heavy heart, and some panic, that Britons digested new advice this week that their struggle to eat enough fruit and vegetables had just got harder.
04 April 2014
Underground greenhouse: Coffee and fig trees grown in Ust-Kamenogorsk
Tangerines, bananas, pomegranates, fig tree and even coffee are grown in the underground greenhouse in Ust-Kamenagorsk.
24 February 2014
Urban gardens greening Berlin rooftops, airfield
Tomatoes, veggies and herbs are sprouting from Berlin parks, a shopping mall rooftop and even a former airfield in community gardens that pioneer farmers say add green spice to urban life.
25 January 2014
Kazakhstan to increase export via Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad
Kazakhstan has expressed interest in exporting goods via the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad that will be launched sometime next year.
06 January 2014
Kazakhstan's biggest greenhouse constructed near Karaganda
Construction of Kazakhstan's biggest greenhouse complex has been completed in Topar village in Karaganda Oblast.
30 December 2013
Kazakhstan to harvest its first virus-free potatoes in September
Kazakhstan biotechnologists have cultivated a virus-resistant variety of potato using clonal propagation technology.
25 July 2013
Biggest Kazakhstan greenhouse launched near Almaty
The greenhouse has the area of 51 thousand square meters and will produce 4000 tones of vegetables a year.
10 December 2012
Tomatoes can lower stroke risk: study
Eating tomatoes can dramatically reduce the risk of having a stroke, according to a new study out Monday that provided more support for diets rich in fruits and vegetables.
09 October 2012
Kyrgyzstan will supply 100 tons of vegetables a week to Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz farmers started supplying fresh vegetables to south regions of Kazakhstan.
27 March 2012
Glass-grown vegetables to be supplied to Astana by 2013
Astana will be fully supplied with local glass-grown vegetables by 2013: Akim.
22 January 2012
Kazakhstan produces 6 times less vegetables than it needs
Kazakhstan population's demand for vegetables is six times higher than the amount produced.
14 June 2011