site.news_by_theme Vatican

'What would we die for?' Pope asks at mass for Korean martyrs Pope Francis beatified 124 early Korean martyrs at a mass in Seoul and challenged the crowd to ask what values they might be willing to die for.
16 августа 2014
Pope to speak to N. Korea's 'church of silence' Pope Francis will offer prayers for Korean reconciliation in Seoul next week
13 августа 2014
S. Korea: Catholicism's unlikely Asian pillar The visit of the Pope Francis will recognise the vicious persecution of early Korean Catholics.
11 августа 2014
Pope Francis 'dismayed' by violence and suffering in Iraq Pope Francis expressed "dismay and disbelief" over the violence in Iraq, calling for an "effective political solution" to a crisis.
11 августа 2014
Sudanese Christian woman spared death sentence meets Pope A Sudanese Christian woman whose death sentence for renouncing Islam sparked a global outcry that eventually led to an acquittal, met Pope Francis after arriving in Italy en route to the United States.
25 июля 2014
Pope begins Middle East 'pilgrimage' in Jordan Pope Francis arrives in Jordan Saturday at the start of a Middle East tour aiming to boost ties with Muslims and Jews as well as easing an age-old rift within Christianity itself.
24 мая 2014
Pope attends 300,000-strong rally for Catholic schools Pope Francis on Saturday attended a giant rally for children and teachers from Italy's Catholic schools, with the Vatican saying that 300,000 people turned out for the event in and around St Peter's Square.
11 мая 2014
Pope Francis declares John Paul II, John XXIII saints Pope Francis on Sunday proclaimed John Paul II and John XXIII the Catholic Church's newest saints at a festive ceremony joined by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims for two pontiffs who helped shape 20th-century history.
28 апреля 2014
John Paul II sainthood a delicate issue for Mexicans Many Mexicans have mixed emotions about seeing the late pope John Paul II become a saint: they loved the man but feel he covered up sexual abuses by priests.
26 апреля 2014
Pope asks forgiveness for child sex abuses Pope Francis on Friday personally asked forgiveness for thousands of child sex abuses carried out by priests and promised more action following accusations of cover-ups and excessive leniency by the Vatican.
12 апреля 2014
Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Francis. Photo courtesy of Two sovereigns in Rome: Queen visits pope Queen Elizabeth II meets Pope Francis for the first time on Thursday on a visit that coincides with the anniversary of the start of the Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.
03 апреля 2014
Paolo Cipriani. Photo courtesy of Two ex-Vatican bank chiefs face money laundering trial Italian prosecutors on Friday said two former top executives at the Vatican bank will go on trial for money laundering, while the bank's ex-chairman was declared innocent.
29 марта 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama arrives at Rome Airport. ©Reuters/Stefano Rellandini Obama meets Pope Francis, looks for Catholic boost Barack Obama will meet Pope Francis for the first time Thursday for talks on a shared agenda to fight inequality which the US President hopes will help boost support at home.
27 марта 2014
Screen shot a courtesy of Rai 2 Italian Nun's stunning performance at the Voice Italy 25 y.o. Sicilian nun made all four judges of The Voice of Italy turn their chairs to chose her.
25 марта 2014
Pope marks first year far from Rome's madding crowd Pope Francis will spend the first anniversary of his election in a spiritual retreat, far from the adoring crowds in Rome and the tensions within the Church hierarchy that have defined the last year.
13 марта 2014
Now the hard work starts for superstar pope Pope Francis celebrates one year in office on Thursday swaddled in a blanket of approval world leaders would die for and most of his predecessors could only dream of.
13 марта 2014
Pope to create 19 new cardinals, many from outside Europe Pope Francis will create his first batch of cardinals on Saturday, with nine of the 19 coming from South America, Africa and Asia.
22 февраля 2014
Vatican trove shows Catholic persecution in samurai-era Japan A trove of ancient documents unearthed at the Vatican could shed light on the brutal crackdown on Christianity in isolationist Japan under its samurai rulers.
31 января 2014
Blast outside French church in Rome as Hollande visits A small explosive device went off outside a French church in central Rome could be linked to President Francois Hollande's visit.
24 января 2014
France's embattled Hollande to meet pope, woo angry Catholics Abortion and euthanasia will be among hot button issues on the table when Pope Francis meets embattled French President Francois Hollande.
24 января 2014

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