Six Ukraine soldiers killed as war marks yearSix Ukrainian troops were killed by landmines in the restive separatist-held east, breaking a lull of several days in a conflict that began a year ago this week.
Soros ready to pour $1 bn into UkraineUS financier George Soros said Monday he was ready to invest $1 billion in Ukraine if the West promised to help the embattled country.
Greece, Ukraine to dominate EU summitGreece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will plead with European counterparts at a summit in Brussels to release vital funds to help his debt-laden country.
19 March 2015
NATO allies come to grips with Russia's 'hybrid warfare'NATO allies are scrambling to protect vulnerable Baltic partners from the threat of hybrid warfare, a Russian tactic that officials and experts say is based on deception rather than formal declaration of war.
Nazarbayev, Putin and Lukashenko to meet in AstanaPresident of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev plans to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashanko, President of Belarus, in Astana.
11 March 2015
French Cassation Court approves Ablyazov's extraditionThe Court of Cassation of France has rejected Mukhtar Ablyazov's appeal against his extradition, bringing the extradition of the fugitive banker to Russia or Ukraine closer to reality.
Nazarbayev and Putin discuss UkraineKazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Russian President Vladimir Putin have discussed the crisis in Ukraine in a phone call.