site.news_by_theme summit

Photo by Danial Okassov© Astana to host 3rd Eurasian Women's Summit The event will mainly cover expansion of women's opportunities by business and economic skills.
19 ноября 2012
US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama. ©REUTERS Obama set to tackle sea rows at Asia summit US President Barack Obama is set to wade into the troubled waters of Asia's maritime disputes at a regional summit next week, with allies hoping for support in their efforts to contain China.
16 ноября 2012
European Union's national flags. ©REUTERS EU budget talks collapse The first round in two weeks of tough talks on the European Union budget collapsed Friday after austerity-minded states refused to plug a 2012 budget shortfall in funds destined for Europe's needy.
10 ноября 2012
S. Korea presidential favourite open to summit with North South Korea's presidential front-runner, Park Geun-Hye, promised Monday a new policy of engagement with Pyongyang and said she would be willing to hold a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.
05 ноября 2012
Crisis-hit Europe 'still economic power': France Top European leaders jetting into Laos for a major summit are on a mission to reassure Asia that their crisis-hit region is "still an economic power".
05 ноября 2012
EU to sanction Iran, Syria, help Mali reconquer its north Europe's foreign ministers will sharply ramp up the pressure on Iran and Syria at talks Monday, while taking a "big step" in Africa by agreeing to assist Mali reconquer its north from rebels and Islamist extremists.
15 октября 2012
World economy needs action from China, EU: Geithner US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Saturday the global economy was on the mend, but more needed to be done to stoke domestic demand in China and fix Europe's fiscal woes.
14 октября 2012
Fiscal policy should be 'growth friendly': IMF body The world economy needs to balance austerity with growth if it is to recover fully from the global financial crisis, a key IMF committee said in Tokyo on Saturday.
13 октября 2012
'Wartime' debt threat to global economy: Lagarde Public debt in developed countries standing at "wartime levels" is the biggest threat to the global economy, IMF chief Christine Lagarde warned in Tokyo on Friday.
12 октября 2012
Troubled DR Congo hosts struggling Francophonie summit Leaders from the 75-nation Francophonie were to begin their biennial summit Friday in DR Congo, a country that encapsulates Africa's many woes but also its growing stake in a body searching for a raison d'etre.
12 октября 2012
Japan hosts IMF meet 50 years after economic miracle The last time Japan hosted an International Monetary Fund summit nearly 50 years ago, the nation was a leader in innovation and economic growth that made it the envy of the world.
10 октября 2012
Giants EU, China meet in 'challenging' times Global giants the European Union and China meet at a Brussels summit on Thursday under pressure to bolster slowing economic growth and tackle tough international dilemmas.
21 сентября 2012
Putin hides Russia's troubles with summit glitz President Vladimir Putin impressed leaders by holding an Asian summit on an island off a revamped Pacific city but the surface shimmer hid underlying problems in the Russian Far East and the country as a whole.
10 сентября 2012
US Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis (C). ©REUTERS US pleased with APEC 'green' products list The United States welcomed Friday a deal to cut tariffs on dozens of "green" products in the Asia-Pacific, saying it would boost the region's economies as well as help protect the environment.
08 сентября 2012
Tensions set to cloud APEC summit Asia-Pacific leaders gather in Russia's far east this weekend for talks aimed at promoting trade but territorial disputes and other regional tensions may cloud the event.
05 сентября 2012
Clinton says Pacific big enough for US, China Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Friday that the South Pacific was big enough for both the United States and China but urged the Asian power to ensure it distributes its growing aid fairly.
02 сентября 2012
UN nuclear report wrongfoots Iran summit: analysts Iran's hopes of boosting its international prestige by hosting a Non-Aligned summit this week were tripped up by a critical new UN nuclear watchdog report.
01 сентября 2012
Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Yerzhan Kazykhanov. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Kazakhstan taking part in anti-nuclear summit in Iran Kazakhstan delegation is taking part in the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement that opened on August 30 in Tehran.
31 августа 2012
IAEA report to detail Iranian nuclear advances A new UN atomic agency report due Thursday or Friday is expected to detail how Iran is continuing to expand its nuclear programme despite painful sanctions and talk of Israeli military action.
29 августа 2012
World Muslim body to suspend Syria An emergency summit of the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) began late Tuesday with a proposal to suspend conflict-wracked Syria, a move strongly opposed by Iran.
16 августа 2012

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