site.news_by_theme Pussy Riot

Boris Berezovsky. ©RIA Novosti Russia state TV claims 'exiled oligarch behind Pussy Riot' Self-exiled Russian oligarch and Kremlin foe Boris Berezovsky was involved in organising Pussy Riot's performance in a Moscow cathedral.
13 сентября 2012
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. ©REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov 'I love Russia, hate Putin' says jailed Pussy Riot activist One of the three members of punk band Pussy Riot jailed last month for a protest in a Russian cathedral launched a fierce new attack on Russian President Vladimir Putin in a magazine interview.
03 сентября 2012
Russia to question Kasparov over 'biting policeman' Former chess champion turned opposition leader Garry Kasparov was set Monday to face police questioning after he was detained at a protest during the Pussy Riot trial and accused of biting a policeman.
21 августа 2012
Arrests, breasts, chainsaws: Punk world backs Pussy Riot A topless Ukrainian feminist felled a cross with a chainsaw, balaclava-clad New Yorkers braved arrest to picket an Orthodox church and Bulgarian punks re-decorated a war memorial.
18 августа 2012
Russia jails Pussy Riot protest punks for two years A Moscow court Friday handed a two-year jail sentence to three feminist punk rockers who infuriated the Kremlin and captured world attention by ridiculing President Vladimir Putin in Russia's main church.
18 августа 2012
Russia convicts Pussy Riot protest punks A Moscow court found guilty three young members of a feminist punk band who captured global attention by defying the Russian authorities and ridiculing President Vladimir Putin in a church.
17 августа 2012
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