site.news_by_theme pressure

Photo courtesy of Some blood pressure drugs found to slow dementia A class of drugs designed to lower blood pressure also slightly brakes the progression of dementia among the elderly and may even boost brain power marginally.
27 июля 2013
Obama 'pressuring leaders' over extradition: Snowden Fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden on Monday accused US President Barack Obama of "pressuring the leaders" of countries from which he has sought protection.
02 июля 2013
More EU pressure on Iran, Israel PM tells Ashton Europe must take a firmer line with Iran over its controversial nuclear programme, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday at the start of a working meeting with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.
21 июня 2013
Pressure on Russia over Syria as G8 summit opens World leaders head to the G8 summit in Northern Ireland on Monday looking to put pressure on Russia to back away from its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad amid growing Western efforts to arm the rebels.
17 июня 2013
US Secretary of State John Kerry. Kerry in London to start first official tour John Kerry will push his Russian counterpart to apply pressure on Syria when they meet during the new US Secretary of State's marathon tour of allies.
26 февраля 2013
'Friends of Syria' meet in Tokyo Delegates from more than 60 countries gathered in Tokyo Friday, seeking to ramp up pressure on Bashar al-Assad's regime as the US moved towards recognising the newly-unified opposition as true leaders of Syria.
30 ноября 2012
EU to sanction Iran, Syria, help Mali reconquer its north Europe's foreign ministers will sharply ramp up the pressure on Iran and Syria at talks Monday, while taking a "big step" in Africa by agreeing to assist Mali reconquer its north from rebels and Islamist extremists.
15 октября 2012
Netanyahu and Abbas make rival UN pitches The leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority both address the UN on Thursday, one seeking recognition for his state, the other warning of a dire threat to his.
28 сентября 2012
Widening Obama lead piles pressure on Romney A flurry of polls showing widening leads for President Barack Obama Wednesday heaped pressure on Mitt Romney to use their first head-to-head debate next week to launch a major comeback bid.
28 сентября 2012
West turns up heat on Iran and Syria at UN Western and Arab leaders ramped up the pressure on Syria and Iran at the United Nations on Tuesday, as US President Barack Obama vowed to keep Tehran from getting its hands on nuclear weapons.
26 сентября 2012
Sea lion. Photo courtesy of Revealed: How sea lions make mega-dives Scientists in California have shed light on a marine mystery: how diving mammals can hunt for food at great depths without getting the "bends".
20 сентября 2012
Rappers lead underground monitors at Angola polls Through an unmarked door, down a passageway and behind a padlocked metal gate lies a room littered with cell phones that is the nerve centre of an underground effort by Angolan rappers to monitor Friday's vote.
31 августа 2012
©REUTERS/Majed Jaber Pressure on Assad as West plans Syria sanctions Pressure mounted on Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday as Western powers drew up a 10-day sanctions ultimatum.
13 июля 2012
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