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Migration has been down for the last 10-15 years in Kazakhstan
The migration rate has significantly declined in comparison with the previous decades.
27 February 2012
Internal migration has to be controlled in Kazakhstan: MP
Kazakhstan Majilis deputy applied to the government with a request to develop a special migration program.
06 February 2012
Special service on countering illegal migration to be created in Kazakhstan
Measures on countering illegal migration will be enhanced at Kazakhstan borders.
07 November 2011
Upturn of migration to Kazakhstan may cause creation of ethnic crime groups
We need to boost birth rate, improve life quality and, maybe, introduce dual citizenship with strictly banning migrants from holding positions in state bodies and national companies: Expert.
24 October 2011
Kazakhstan’s Senator suggests toughening migration policy with regards to China’s citizens
According to him, China is targeting Kazakhstan as part of its demographic expansion campaign.
29 September 2011
Most of migrants to Russia within a program to assist migration of Russian-speaking population come from Kazakhstan
Migrants from Kazakhstan make up 26.3% of the total figure.
31 July 2011
Citizens of Custom Union member-states to work without restrictions at its territory
The agreement on labor migration between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus is being discussed in the Upper Chamber of Kazakhstan Parliament.
31 May 2011
EU to help Kazakhstan solve labor migration issues
Norbert Justen: EU is ready to help Kazakhstan implement international standards in management of migration processes.
20 May 2011
Kazakhstan ranks №9 in the world by incoming migrants flow
A round table on migration was held in Almaty. 134 thousand of foreign citizens currently work in Almaty.
28 April 2011
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