site.news_by_theme legislation
Kazakhstan is considering U.S. practice on apprehension of suspected terrorists
Igor Rogov has inquired about the possibility of adopting the practice on apprehension of suspected terrorists for over 72 hours without court sanctions in Kazakhstan.
30 March 2012
Kazakhstan Investments Law amended
The President signed Kazakhstan Law On amendments to several legislative acts of Kazakhstan on investments.
22 February 2012
Kazakhstan President signed gas law
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has signed a law on gas.
11 January 2012
Kazakhstan General Prosecution Office to develop draft law on peaceful meetings and rallies
Kazakhstan General Prosecution Office will prepare a draft law with notification-based permit for peaceful meetings, rallies and demonstrations.
20 October 2011
Praying in public offices may be banned in Kazakhstan
Chairman of Kazakhstan Agency for Religion Kairat Lama Sharif confirmed that the new religious law imposes fines for praying in public offices.
09 September 2011
Kazakh MP asked to ban Kazakh women from showing belly-buttons
A discussion between Majilis deputy and Chairman of Kazakhstan Agency for Religion during presentation of the draft law "On religious activities and religious institutions".
09 September 2011
Religious literature imported into Kazakhstan to undergo check-ups
Religious literature that enters Kazakhstan is to be sent for theology check-up by customs authorities: Chairman of Kazakhstan Agency for Religion.
09 September 2011
Kazakhstan does not have enough theology experts
Draft law "On religious activities and religious institutions" has been presented to the lower chamber of Kazakhstan Parliament.
09 September 2011
Russian Orthodox Church and Vatican will approve their viceroys in Kazakhstan with local authorities
MP Tito Syzdykov told about the draft law "On religious activities and religious institutions" that is currently being prepared for the Parliament’s review.
08 September 2011
President Nazarbayev speeding up People’s IPO
According to him, this is a real opportunity to raise wellbeing of common citizens.
01 September 2011
President Nazarbayev urges to exempt newly established small and middle-sized businesses from checks and audits reported earlier that in the H1 2011 the number of S&MBs; grew by 8%, exceeding 600 000.
01 September 2011
Kazakhstan to adopt a legislation to fence itself off religious extremism: President Nazarbayev
According to the President, during the current session the Parliament is to consider draft legislation regulating operations of religious institutions.
01 September 2011
People’s IPO calls for legislation amendments
To facilitate the IPO Program, some laws should be amended, notably on subsurface use, railways transport, on power industry, on state-run property, on Samruk-Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund and some others: Economy Minister.
23 August 2011
Senate passes draft law to regulate production and sales of petroleum products
The draft law seeks to set fixed prices for certain types of petroleum products of importance to socially vulnerable groups of population.
16 June 2011
Islamic securities of interest to private companies: Kazakhstan’s Finance Minister Bolat Zhamishev
The Minister informed that respective amendments [enabling to issue Islamic securities in Kazakhstan] will be adopted within a month.
09 June 2011
Legislation liberalization will help Kazakh business
Almaty Entrepreneurs Association Viktor Yambayev calls the government to liberalize business environment, lower taxes, clarify legislations.
29 April 2011
Kazakhstan to humanize its penal code
For certain types of economic crimes, greater fines will be introduced as an alternative to deprivation of freedom.
25 April 2011