Walk this way, says China's heavy metal shoe makerA Chinese factory worker says walking in huge iron shoes weighing more than 200 kilograms each can cure back pain, but faces hefty competition in his bid to build the country's heaviest footwear.
Iron supplements do not boost malaria risk: studyGlobal health experts have warned against giving iron supplements in areas where malaria is rampant, but a study Tuesday found no rise in cases of the mosquito-borne disease among children who took iron.
05 September 2013
Earliest iron artefacts came from meteoriteThe earliest iron artefacts ever found -- funeral beads strung around bodies in a 5,000-year-old Egyptian cemetery -- were made from a meteorite.
S&P warns of little iron ore respite for miners Global credit agency Standard & Poor's said Tuesday that it saw little improvement in iron ore prices in the near-term and warned that smaller single-commodity miners could see their ratings slip.
03 October 2012
Fashion grads from Asia have their New York moment There's nothing glamorous about ironing your own collection before a show at New York fashion week, but if that's what it takes for Jie Jessie Liu to break into the business, she'll do it.