site.news_by_theme investigation

US asks Interpol for info on bombs like those in Boston US authorities have asked Interpol to provide any information its members around the world might have on bombs similar to the ones used in the Boston Marathon attack.
21 апреля 2013
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. ©REUTERS/Alexander Demianchuk Trail of blood led to Boston marathon bomber A trail of blood led to accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as he hid inside a boat after eluding one of the biggest manhunts ever staged in the United States.
20 апреля 2013
Suspect arrested in US over Obama ricin letter A letter addressed to President Barack Obama tested positive for ricin, and authorities arrested a suspect, stoking alarm in Washington on Wednesday after an earlier scare over poisoned mail.
19 апреля 2013
US Muslims fear backlash if Islamists behind Boston US Muslims are watching closely as the probe into the Boston bombings unfolds, fearing a backlash like after 9/11 if an Islamist link is confirmed to the deadly attack.
17 апреля 2013
Range of suspects 'wide open' in Boston bombings: FBI There have so far been no claims of responsibility for the deadly Boston bombings, and investigators are considering a wide range of suspects.
17 апреля 2013
©REUTERS Benckiser group to buy Dutch Masterblenders for 7.5bn euros Dutch tea and coffee producer D.E. Masterblenders said Friday that it has reached a conditional agreement with a German investor group led by Johann A. Benckiser on a 7.5-billion-euro ($9.8-bn) takeover deal.
12 апреля 2013
Photo courtesy of West has 'hard evidence' of Syria chemical weapons: envoy Western nations have "hard evidence" that chemical weapons have been used at least once in the Syrian war but a UN investigation is now unlikely to get into the country.
12 апреля 2013
Rakhat Aliyev. ©REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov Rakhat Aliyev to be tried in Vienna Superior Land Court of Vienna has started an investigation into activities of the former Kazakhstan ambassador to Austria Rakhat Aliyev.
08 апреля 2013
Work under way for exhuming poet Neruda's remains Experts on Sunday started work on opening the tomb of Chilean Nobel prize-winning poet Pablo Neruda, to uncover his remains and determine if he died of cancer or was poisoned.
08 апреля 2013
Chilean poet Neruda to be exhumed Monday The remains of Chilean Nobel prize winning poet Pablo Neruda will be exhumed Monday to determine if he died of cancer or was poisoned.
06 апреля 2013
At the plane crash site. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© U.S. experts join investigation of CRJ-200 crash near Almaty The tragic incident is investigated by experts from Kazakhstan, international and interstate organizations.
01 апреля 2013
Hollande says judge slur by Sarkozy backers unacceptable French President Francois Hollande on Thursday said respect for judges was sacrosanct after backers of his predecessor questioned the credentials of a magistrate who charged Nicolas Sarkozy in a corruption probe.
29 марта 2013
Tribunal calls on ICC to probe Israeli 'crimes' in Palestine The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) called Sunday for the International Criminal Court to investigate "crimes" committed by Israel in the territories as it wrapped up four years of investigation.
19 марта 2013
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. ©REUTERS/Siphiwe Sibeko Mandela's ex-wife 'shocked' over possible death probe Nelson Mandela's ex-wife Winnie was shocked to learn that South African prosecutors may probe her over the deaths of two anti-apartheid youths who went missing almost 25 years ago.
18 марта 2013
Chilean poet Neruda to be exhumed April 8 The remains of Chilean Nobel prize winning poet Pablo Neruda will be exhumed on April 8 to determine if he died of cancer or was poisoned.
13 марта 2013
Photo courtesy of Amnesty calls on Fiji regime to investigate 'torture' video Amnesty International called on Fiji's military regime to launch an urgent investigation Tuesday into an online video that appears to show two men being tortured by officials.
05 марта 2013
Prostitute admits fake claims against US senator: report A prostitute who triggered a political scandal by claiming US Senator Robert Menendez paid her for sex has admitted she made up the allegations.
05 марта 2013
Photo courtesy of ArcelorMittal Temirtau Causes of lethal fire at ArcelorMittal Aktau being investigated An investigation has started at ArcelorMittal Aktau plant in Kazakhstan where a fire claimed one person’s life and injured two others.
27 февраля 2013
China flouting UN tiger accord: report China is allowing the sale of captive-bred tiger skins and body parts despite signing up to a UN agreement which calls for such trade to be banned.
26 февраля 2013
FBI examining possible Heinz insider trades The FBI is examining possible insider trading in Heinz shares ahead of last week's buyout announcement, after US regulators identified suspicious trades from a Swiss account.
20 февраля 2013

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