Google to boost Ebola donationsGoogle launched a campaign to raise money to fight Ebola, tossing $10 million into the pot and saying it will match donations to the fund two to one.
LG, Google strike patent-sharing dealLG Electronics said it had signed a long-term cross-licence deal with Google as the South Korean firm tries to expand its smartphone business.
Smartphones cut into Google profit and share priceThe rise of smartphone use to access the Internet, and slowing clicks on ads, cut into profits by Google in the third quarter, the company has revealed.
17 October 2014
Google shares hit as profit dipsGoogle said its profit in the past quarter dipped slightly from a year earlier, even as revenues for the technology giant showed a sharp increase.
Google says Amazon biggest search engine rivalGoogle boss Eric Schmidt said his company's biggest competition as a search engine came from e-commerce giant Amazon, not from its traditional rivals.
National payment system in Kazakhstan unfeasible: expertsAmidst sanctions standoff between the West and Russia, Kazakhstan is concerned with the lack of its own payment system. Experts comment on possibilities and limitations in introducing such a system.
09 October 2014
It's good to talk: app aims to spur voice renaissanceGoogle employees are hoping an innovative new phone application will trigger a renaissance in an increasingly unfashionable method of human communication: talking.
Google fires back at Rupert Murdoch in EuropeGoogle fired back at media mogul Rupert Murdoch, disputing a News Corp. complaint in Europe that the Internet titan has veered from the path of doing no evil.
26 September 2014
Microsoft TV plug-in gadget mirrors mobile screensMicrosoft put its spin on Google's Chromecast with a device that lets people mirror what's on Windows-powered tablets or smartphones on their television screens.
24 September 2014
Google to boost Android encryption, joining AppleGoogle said it would beef up encryption of its mobile operating system, so that it would not hold "keys" to devices even if it is served with a warrant.
Google to pay $19 million for child app purchasesGoogle has agreed to issue at least $19 million in refunds to consumers whose children made app purchases from its Google Play store without parental consen.