site.news_by_theme EU

EU to suspend Belarus sanctions: France European Union nations have agreed to suspend sanctions against Belarus after elections won by authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko passed off without incident.
13 октября 2015
Cameron and Merkel meet with EU on the menu British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to his country residence to discuss Britain's future in the European Union, amongst other topics.
10 октября 2015
Europe needs to 'crack down' on asylum abuse: Britain The EU must speed up deportation of economic migrants and "crack down" on abuse of its asylum system, British interior minister Theresa May said as ministers met to discuss Europe's refugee and migrant crisis.
08 октября 2015
Merkel says EU's asylum rules 'obsolete' German Chancellor Angela Merkel described as "obsolete" European Union asylum rules that put the onus on EU states where migrants first arrive to process their refugee claim
08 октября 2015
©REUTERS Facebook blow as EU court quashes transatlantic data deal Facebook and other Internet giants could be barred from sending European citizens' personal information to the US.
07 октября 2015
Turkey urges EU action on Syria to end migrant crisis Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the EU consider a no-fly zone and safe haven area in Syria during talks to address Europe's spiralling migrant crisis.
06 октября 2015
Some foreign leaders 'using' Europe's refugee crisis: Tusk The huge influx of migrants into Europe is being used by some foreign leaders to weaken the European Union politically, EU president Donald Tusk said Friday in Poland.
03 октября 2015
UN chief says EU must do more to address migrant crisis UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the European Union's decision to inject $1 billion to help countries overwhelmed by Syrian refugees.
25 сентября 2015
Obama urges European allies to accept 'fair share' of refugees US President Barack Obama pressed European nations to take their "fair share" of refugees, after the EU reluctantly reached an agreement designed to halt a destabilizing humanitarian crisis.
23 сентября 2015
Greek PM Tsipras unveils new cabinet, Tsakalotos gets finance Greece's newly-elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled his new government, giving the crisis-hit country's key finance portfolio to Euclid Tsakalotos.
23 сентября 2015
Slovak PM refuses EU 'diktat' on migrant quotas Slovakia's leftist Prime Minister Robert Fico said he would rather risk infringing EU rules than implement mandatory refugee quotas adopted by the bloc.
23 сентября 2015
EU welcomes Tsipras victory, says no 'time to lose' on reforms The EU congratulated Alexis Tsipras on his left-wing party's re-election victory and said Greece has "no time to lose" in implementing the reforms agreed as part of its international bailout.
21 сентября 2015
No European country 'can be exempt' from taking in refugees: Hollande No European country can get out of taking in refugees who have the right to asylum, French President Francois Hollande said Sunday.
21 сентября 2015
Germany says EU majority vote could force members to accept migrants German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that EU members reluctant to accept migrant quotas may have to be outvoted and overruled in the 28-member bloc.
18 сентября 2015
EU summons leaders for refugee crisis summit next Wednesday The European Union has announced an emergency summit in Brussels next in a bid to find solutions to the continent's worst refugee crisis since World War II.
18 сентября 2015
EU's Tusk mulls special migration summit, decision Thursday EU president Donald Tusk said he would consider requests by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others for an emergency summit on migrants and decide later this week.
16 сентября 2015
EU fails to reach migrant deal as countries impose border checks EU ministers failed to reach agreement on a quota plan to share the burden of a flood of refugees.
15 сентября 2015
Merkel wants 'binding' EU refugee quotas with no ceiling German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the EU to agree to a proportional distribution of refugees with no limits on actual numbers, going much further than plans unveiled by the European Commission.
14 сентября 2015
German minister urges change in EU's policy towards Syria Germany's Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said Europe should stop looking on helplessly as "murder" rages on in Syria, as he called on the bloc to review its strategy on the conflict.
14 сентября 2015
EU chief calls human traffickers 'murderers', urges crackdown EU president Donald Tusk urged a crackdown on the "murderers" among human traffickers who have killed scores of people trying to reach Europe from conflicts abroad.
09 сентября 2015

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