site.news_by_theme demonstration

US gays pour out anger, vodka over Russia laws Demonstrators poured vodka down the drains of New York on Wednesday in protest over new Russian laws that have been widely condemned as anti-gay.
01 августа 2013
Egypt begins work on charter as Islamists press demos Egypt's new cabinet held its first meeting on Sunday and urged parties to keep their demonstrations peaceful, as a panel named to amend the constitution called on all sides to contribute.
23 июля 2013
UN says special force ready to fight Congo rebels The United Nations said Thursday it is ready to send troops into battle against rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after demonstrators accused peacekeepers of being too weak.
19 июля 2013
Brazil workers protest nationwide for better conditions Striking workers blocked key highways and staged mainly peaceful marches across Brazil in a day of industrial action called by major unions to demand better work conditions.
12 июля 2013
One million march in Brazil's escalating protests At least one million people rallied across Brazil on Thursday in escalating mass demonstrations over the quality of public services and the high cost of staging the World Cup.
21 июня 2013
Fresh street clashes pressure Turkey government Turkey's Islamist-rooted government faced growing pressure on Monday after angry demonstrators clashed for a third night with police in a nationwide wave of protests.
03 июня 2013
Hundreds protest against burial of Argentine dictator Sometimes you can't go home: hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets Wednesday to protest against the possible burial of the late former dictator Jorge Videla in his home town.
23 мая 2013
Deadlock, demos loom after tight Bulgarian election The European Union's poorest country Bulgaria faced fresh political uncertainty Monday after inconclusive elections held three months after the biggest demonstrations in years forced the government to resign.
13 мая 2013
Gay marriage foes stage last-ditch protest in Paris Hundreds of thousands opposed to French legislation allowing gay marriage staged a massive protest march in Paris Sunday, with police using force to evict hundreds from the Champs-Elysees.
26 марта 2013
Photo courtesy of Anti-nuclear rally in Tokyo ahead of tsunami anniversary Thousands of anti-nuclear demonstrators rallied in Tokyo Saturday ahead of the second anniversary of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami disaster, urging Japan's new government to abandon nuclear power.
09 марта 2013
Kremlin children's rights envoy Pavel Astakhov. ©REUTERS/Alexander Natruskin Russian activists set to march against foreign adoptions Activists from pro-Kremlin children's advocacy groups were set to march through Moscow to call on authorities to ban all foreign adoptions and demand the return of an adopted boy whose brother died in Texas.
02 марта 2013
Thousands join anti-government rallies across Bulgaria Several thousand people joined street rallies across Bulgaria on Monday as initial protests against high electricity bills snowballed into bitter anger against the right-wing government of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov.
19 февраля 2013
Clashes in Egypt as anti-Morsi camp demands change Thousands of protesters clashed with police in several Egyptian provinces in rallies calling on Islamist President Mohamed Morsi to fulfil the goals of the revolt that brought him to power.
09 февраля 2013
Egyptians to protest on revolution anniversary Huge crowds were expected to demonstrate in Egypt on Friday for the second anniversary of the revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak and brought in an Islamist government, at a time of political tensions and economic woes.
27 января 2013
Thousands gather in support of Malaysian opposition Malaysian opposition supporters gathered by the thousands in the capital Saturday to call for the ouster of the country's long-ruling government in elections due within months.
13 января 2013
Egypt braces for rival protests on referendum Egypt is bracing for rival protests in Cairo on Tuesday over a bitterly divisive referendum on a new constitution, prompting President Mohamed Morsi to order the army to help "preserve security".
11 декабря 2012
Six hurt in Sudan protests over student deaths: AFP Six people were injured on Sunday as Sudanese police clashed with hundreds of protesters showing support for four dead students originally from the conflict-plagued Darfur region.
10 декабря 2012
Calm in Cairo after night of protest against Egypt's Morsi The streets of Cairo were calm early Saturday after a huge but peaceful protest overnight against President Mohamed Morsi, who has greatly expanded his powers and is pushing for disputed constitutional reform.
09 декабря 2012
Egypt protesters encircle presidential palace Tens of thousands of Egyptian demonstrators encircled the presidential palace Tuesday after riot police failed to keep them at bay with tear gas, in a growing crisis over President Mohamed Morsi's decree widening his powers.
05 декабря 2012
Worldwide anti-dolphin, whale hunt rallies planned Anti-whaling activists said Thursday there would be demonstrations in Tokyo and eight other cities around the world this weekend against Japan's hunt.
23 ноября 2012

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