site.news_by_theme Barack Obama

Obama to spell out message to Putin on former Soviet land President Barack Obama will go to Estonia this week with a simple message for Vladimir Putin -- don't mess with NATO's ex-Soviet members.
01 сентября 2014
Barack Obama. ©RIA Novosti Democrats keep Obama at distance ahead of mid-term elections Barack Obama's Democrats are walking a tightrope 10 weeks before US congressional elections.
30 августа 2014
Brazilians can vote for their own Obama In Brazil, where nicknames are everything, voters can now opt for a congressional candidate who goes by the name Barack Obama.
20 августа 2014
Obama: Gazans need 'sense of hope' for future US President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the people of Gaza need greater hope for the future.
07 августа 2014
Shannon Guess Richardson. Photo courtesy of Texas woman gets 18 years for Obama ricin plot A US actress who tried to blame her husband for sending ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama, then-New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and a gun control activist got 18 years in prison
17 июля 2014
US President Barack Obama. ©Reuters/Yuri Gripas Obama sends more troops to Baghdad as Iraq battles to stop offensive President Barack Obama has deployed 200 more troops to Baghdad to protect the US embassy as Iraq's parliament was set to convene Tuesday to seek a solution to the country's sectarian crisis.
01 июля 2014
Howard Baker. ©Reuters/Yuriko Nakao 'Great Conciliator' Howard Baker dies in US Howard Baker, a former United States Senate majority leader and presidential contender known for his ability to achieve compromise across the political aisle, died on Thursday. He was 88.
27 июня 2014
Obama under pressure to respond to Iraq crisis President Barack Obama has not decided how to respond to rampant Sunni militants grabbing swathes of Iraq, but is looking at every option short of sending US combat soldiers back to war.
19 июня 2014
Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman. ©Reuters/Yuri Gripas White House adopts new rules after CIA station chief outed The White House said Wednesday it had adopted new procedures on President Barack Obama's foreign trips to avoid a repeat of the "inadvertent" release of the name of the CIA's station chief in Kabul last month.
12 июня 2014
US health secretary resigns after Obamacare woes President Barack Obama's Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning, paying the price for the chaotic initial rollout of his signature health care law, officials said.
12 апреля 2014
Kazakhstan’s President Nazarbayev meets US President Obama Among other things, the two leaders dwelt on Kazakhstan’s accession into the WTO and on some acute issues on the international agenda.
25 марта 2014
Barack Obama. © RIA Novosti Barack Obama congratulates world on Nauryz Around the world and here in the United States you're gathering at the Nauryz table to give thanks for loved ones, reflect on your blessings and welcome all the possibilities of a new season: Barack Obama.
21 марта 2014
Obama to Putin: US readying 'additional costs' over Crimea President Barack Obama hinted at possible additional sanctions on Russia, warning his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that the United States and its allies would "never" recognize Crimea's breakaway vote Sunday.
17 марта 2014
Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev and US President Barack Obama discuss the situation in Ukraine On Monday Nursultan Nazarbayev had telephone talks with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
11 марта 2014
Dalai Lama says no problem with gay marriage The celibate Dalai Lama has thrown his considerable moral weight behind gay marriage, condemning homophobia and saying sex was fine as long as it was consensual.
07 марта 2014
Obama to seek Netanyahu backing for peace framework President Barack Obama will Monday try to cajole Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a US framework for final peace talks with the Palestinians, but the Israeli leader is vowing to resist all "pressures."
03 марта 2014
Senator Rand Paul sues Obama over NSA intel program US Senator Rand Paul filed suit against President Barack Obama and other officials in a bid to end the secret program that scoops up telephone data on virtually all Americans.
13 февраля 2014
US admiral nominated to be next NSA chief President Barack Obama has nominated a US Navy officer, Vice Admiral Michael Rogers, to take over as head of the embattled National Security Agency.
31 января 2014
New GM CEO to join First Lady at Obama speech The first female CEO of the largest American automaker will be honored by sitting with Michelle Obama when the president delivers his State of the Union Address.
28 января 2014
U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. ©Reuters/Grigory Dukor Obama invites Merkel to Washington after phone-tap row President Barack Obama invited German Chancellor Angela Merkel to Washington on Wednesday, hoping to mend fences after a row provoked by revelations of US eavesdropping on her cellphone.
09 января 2014

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