site.news_by_theme Atlantic ocean

Polish grandpa heads from New York to Portugal... in a kayak A Polish grandfather left New York Sunday on his third solo trans-Atlantic crossing in a kayak, aiming to arrive in Portugal in time to celebrate his 70th birthday on firm ground in September.
30 мая 2016
The overturned hull of the Cheeki Rafiki. ©Reuters/U.S. Navy US locates missing British yacht in Atlantic, but no crew A US Navy warship helicopter has spotted a missing yacht in the Atlantic but found no trace of its four-man British crew now feared dead, American officials said.
24 мая 2014
©Reuters/Andrea Comas For sharks, old age may be 70 or more: study Great white sharks may live until their 70s, more than three times as long as previously thought, according to a new analysis of the marine predator's backbones out Wednesday.
14 января 2014
Pacific tuna cutbacks 'fall short of expectations' Cutbacks to tuna fishing agreed at a crucial Pacific regional fisheries conference to prevent over-fishing have fallen short of expectations, the head of the fisheries management body said Saturday.
08 декабря 2013
Hurricane Kirk strengthens in Atlantic Hurricane Kirk strengthened rapidly over the open Atlantic Ocean on Thursday, though it posed no hazard to land, US forecasters said.
01 сентября 2012
Whaling nations defeat proposed Atlantic sanctuary Japan and its allies shot down a Latin American-led proposal Monday to create a sanctuary for whales in the southern Atlantic Ocean, reigniting international tensions over Tokyo's whaling.
04 июля 2012
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