Kazakhstan State Circus in Almaty cannot find a place to relocate a 12-year-old bear named Nika to, Tengrinews.kz reports. A letter with a request to find a new home for the old animal has been posted in social networks. “Dear friends, We ask you to help in an unusual situation: Home is required for a 12-year-old bear named Nika! Nika needs to be adopted by a foreign zoo or a bear shelter, URGENTLY! Almaty circus and the local zoo cannot support the bear as no funding is available.” As per the art directors of Almaty circus Valikhan Chalabayev, the animal have had its day and cannot do the tricks any longer. “This is a genius bear. She made unique tricks. But her old age does not allow her to work anymore,” he said. “But we are not dishousing her, she is still with us. We feed and support her.” Volunteers of the Birge society who are looking for a new home for Nika, have sent the letters to foreign zoos and circuses. There is no answer so far. Almaty zoo has also refused to take thebear. “We cannot show so very old animals to children who buy tickets to come to the zoo. There has been a case when we accepted an old bear and it was pitiful to look at,” the zoo management said. “Visitors cried looking at him.” Besides, the Almaty zoo has neither a special cage or money for the old bear. “The circus has to look for a new home for old animals. They have their own rules,” the zoo management added.
Kazakhstan State Circus in Almaty cannot find a place to relocate a 12-year-old bear named Nika to, Tengrinews.kz reports.
A letter with a request to find a new home for the old animal has been posted in social networks. “Dear friends, We ask you to help in an unusual situation: Home is required for a 12-year-old bear named Nika! Nika needs to be adopted by a foreign zoo or a bear shelter, URGENTLY! Almaty circus and the local zoo cannot support the bear as no funding is available.”
As per the art directors of Almaty circus Valikhan Chalabayev, the animal have had its day and cannot do the tricks any longer. “This is a genius bear. She made unique tricks. But her old age does not allow her to work anymore,” he said. “But we are not dishousing her, she is still with us. We feed and support her.”
Volunteers of the Birge society who are looking for a new home for Nika, have sent the letters to foreign zoos and circuses. There is no answer so far. Almaty zoo has also refused to take thebear. “We cannot show so very old animals to children who buy tickets to come to the zoo. There has been a case when we accepted an old bear and it was pitiful to look at,” the zoo management said. “Visitors cried looking at him.”
Besides, the Almaty zoo has neither a special cage or money for the old bear. “The circus has to look for a new home for old animals. They have their own rules,” the zoo management added.