December 12 Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry made an official statement on the launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea. On its website, the Ministry expresses regrets that North Korea had breached UN Security Council resolutions # 1718 (as of 2006) and # 1874 (as of 2009). “We believe the move may have an adverse effect on the global non-proliferation regime and poses a threat of both regional and global scale”, the statement reads. “As a nation that has voluntarily renounced its nuclear arsenal and has greatly contributed to the global disarmament efforts, Kazakhstan calls to refrain from such launches”. The Ministry hopes Pyongyang will resume the six-sided talks (with China, Russia, the USA, South Korea and Japan) on settling the nuclear issue and other security-related issues with regards to the Korean Peninsula. Earlier December 12 North Korea successfully launched a long-range rocket allegedly designed to place a scientific satellite in orbit. The international community suggests North Korea’s intercontinental missile tests are part of the country’s nuclear weapons programme. The launch has been condemned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
December 12 Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry made an official statement on the launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea. On its website, the Ministry expresses regrets that North Korea had breached UN Security Council resolutions # 1718 (as of 2006) and # 1874 (as of 2009).
“We believe the move may have an adverse effect on the global non-proliferation regime and poses a threat of both regional and global scale”, the statement reads.
“As a nation that has voluntarily renounced its nuclear arsenal and has greatly contributed to the global disarmament efforts, Kazakhstan calls to refrain from such launches”.
The Ministry hopes Pyongyang will resume the six-sided talks (with China, Russia, the USA, South Korea and Japan) on settling the nuclear issue and other security-related issues with regards to the Korean Peninsula.
Earlier December 12 North Korea successfully launched a long-range rocket allegedly designed to place a scientific satellite in orbit. The international community suggests North Korea’s intercontinental missile tests are part of the country’s nuclear weapons programme. The launch has been condemned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.