20 September 2024 | 17:30

Service fees and deposits: what will change in the work of cafes and restaurants

Tengrinews.kz - Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev discussed with representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" public associations in the retail trade and catering sectors, as well as businesspeople, the issue of improving catering services, according to the ministry's official website.


Tengrinews.kz - Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev discussed with representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" public associations in the retail trade and catering sectors, as well as businesspeople, the issue of improving catering services, according to the ministry's official website.

Participants addressed the legality of charging a 10% service fee in restaurants and cafes, as well as the issue of the deposit system.

The minister reminded that, according to the Civil Code, providing a menu in the catering sector is considered a public offer. Therefore, information about the required service fee must be stated in the menu. If such information is absent, charging the fee would be deemed illegal.


To prevent unlawful charging of service fees to customers, changes have been made to internal trade regulations.

"Now, restaurants can charge a service fee only if it is clearly stated in the menu. Additionally, rules prohibiting the "deposit system," which means charging an entrance fee to the establishment, were announced. Entry for visitors remains free, but fees can be charged for additional services, such as VIP rooms or karaoke booths," the publication states.

During the meeting, Arman Shakkaliyev raised the issue of clarifying the rules on service charges with entrepreneurs, especially when the cost is already included in the price of the dish.

Earlier, we reported that tips and deposits may be banned in establishments across Kazakhstan. What cafe and restaurant staff and customers think about this can be read here.

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