An airplane has crashed in Kazakhstan's south, Tengrinews reports.
The AN-2 airplane of Olymp Air LLP was hired by Kazakhmys company to make a flyover of its mines in Zhambyl Oblast on January 20. It took off from Balkhash town and was heading towards Shaturkul mine. 7 people were onboard - four of the mining company's staff and three of the crew. At 3:40 p.m. the plane crashed near Shatyrkol mine not far from Satgul Lake in Shu region 300 km from Taraz city and 60-70 km from Shu town.
Security personnel of Shatyrkol mine was dispatched to the crash site along with emergency rescue teams from Karaganda Oblast and Zhambyl Oblast emergency departments and an operational investigations group from Zhambyl Oblast Interior Department.
They located the crash site at 5 p.m. 20 kilometres from the mine. Three crew members and three passengers were discovered dead, and one women (born in 1986) - Chief Geologist of BakhashTsvetMet Operating Department A.A. Shayakhmetova - was found alive, but in a very severe condition. She was taken to a hospital in nearby Shu town with a pelvic fracture, broken legs and ribs, multiple injuries and a brain concussion. She is still unconscious.
The three employees of Kazakhmys company are:
- Director of the Technical Development Department of Kazakhmys G.T. Tleubayev,
- Chief Mechanic of BakhashTsvetMet Operating Department E.B. Ibrayev,
- Head of the Department for Technical and Investment Planning of BakhashTsvetMet Operating Department U.Kh. Yesmaganbetova.
The three plane crew members are:
- AN-2 command pilot V.G. Klyushov,
- AN-2 second pilot V.P. Savelyev,
- Flight engineer V.I. Litvinov
The company expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the plane crash.
Fog may have been the cause of the tragic accident, according to the Emergencies Committee of Kazakhstan's Interior Ministry. The plane was approaching to land in poor visibility and collided with the ground.
A special commission was created to investigate the accident.
By Tatyana Kuzmina