Tengrinews.kz - A schoolgirl from the Kyzylorda region who fell into sexual slavery has openly shared her story. The harrowing account of the girl was published by the NeMolchi.kz foundation.
According to the foundation, the victim is slowly recovering and has been advised to remain under medical supervision, including with a clinical psychologist. The story was published with her permission.
"Since 2022, from 10th grade, I started befriending my classmate N. She used to come to my home, stay overnight, and call my mother "mommy." I also stayed at her place a few times. In December 2023, a week before New Year, we went to a club with N. and her cousin J. She began drinking alcohol and offered to let us drink alcohol too. We agreed. During the drinking, she recorded videos of us. By January 7, without asking me, she pawned my phone to get money," the victim recounted.
According to the girl, on January 7, her friend N. showed a photo of her in a naked state at a public venue. Although the photo was deleted, it was later discovered that it remained in the phone's archive.
"One week before February 4, J., without asking me, registered and filled out a profile using my account on the Kizdar.Net website. When I started to protest, J. and N. threatened to show my parents and relatives the photos of my naked body: "We'll make money. But you’ll do the work!" the victim quoted her abusers.
The girl admitted she was in despair, but her friends cursed at her and threatened her. She felt there was no way out of the situation, and so she complied.
Since the profile on the site was not activated immediately, J. and N. demanded that the girl find clients in clubs.
"They said: "You will dance openly and guys will start coming up to you and offer to go to your flat." The first client was a guy named E., I was very afraid and did not want intimacy, but he took me by force. This all happened on the 4th of February. At the same time the questionnaire was moderated and another "client" appeared (...) At the end of February I started to have problems with my women's health. I wanted to seek medical help, but N. and J. forbade me to do so," the schoolgirl said.
Threats to show the "naked" photo to close relatives were joined by threats of physical violence. The state of fear, despair and hopelessness became permanent for the girl.
"Since February, I often began to be in the flat where N. lives with her mum. Since her mum was regularly on shift, we were left on our own. I was under the control of N. and J. On their instructions, I had to tell my parents that I got a job as a waitress," the victim confessed.
Later, in March, one of the minor's "clients" started offering her drugs. When she refused, the man forced her to try them. The girl hardly remembered the further events.
"A week later, he called me again and offered drugs. I went to N.'s apartment, where she and J. recorded my state under the influence of the drug with a phone camera. They used this video to blackmail me," the girl added.
According to her, in March, N. and J. began to regularly beat her for any reason and for any minor offense.
"They could beat me without any reason, for example, if they lost a computer game. They strangled me until I lost consciousness. They dunked me in the pool for fun. They forced me to do squats until I was completely exhausted. They sent messages from my phone, in my name, damaging my reputation to my relatives and acquaintances. They beat me with their hands, feet, and kicked me in the head," the girl said.
In April, the horrors didn't end: a 25-year-old man named D. gave the girl's phone number to his friend G., who started extorting money from her, threatening to tell her parents about what she was doing.
"On April 30, D. himself said he was a police officer and wouldn't register me as a prostitute if I helped him serve his guests. Later, it turned out he was a fraud. Also in April, another guy named D. (my classmate), after learning my story, started demanding 5,000 tenge a day, saying, "You must be making good money." He took my phone and went through the recordings. Out of fear, I had to pay several times," the victim confessed.
According to the girl, she was forced to earn money in various ways. They would also set her legs on fire with a lighter, drip melted plastic onto her stomach, and deprive her of sleep and food. In a moment of extreme despair, she reached out to an acquaintance, and with his help, the story was reported to the police.
During the time of the girl's enslavement, over 1,000 transactions went through her bank card. These transactions are now the subject of an investigation.
"Over the period of her sexual slavery, approximately 1,000 transactions were made through the card, printed on 70 pages. Her mother, when she saw this, thought that 1,000 transactions meant 1,000 different men. The total amount of transfers was about 13 million tenge, including transfers from relatives. An investigation is ongoing into more than 200 'clients,' many of whom purchased 'services' repeatedly. It is also possible that many paid in cash to avoid leaving traces," the fund added.
Recall, that a 16-year-old schoolgirl has fallen into sexual slavery in Kyzylorda region.