14 October 2024 | 16:52

Scientists discover non-human extraterrestrial intelligence - media

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Tengrinews.kz - Astronomers have detected evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life using telescopes, British filmmaker and NASA collaborator Simon Holland revealed to the Daily Mail.


Tengrinews.kz - Astronomers have detected evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life using telescopes, British filmmaker and NASA collaborator Simon Holland revealed to the Daily Mail.

"We have discovered non-human extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, and people don’t know about it," Holland stated.

According to him, the evidence is expected to be published within a month.


The report notes that the Breakthrough Listen team from Oxford is currently analyzing the signal, though they have not disclosed its potential origin.

"They are looking into the details, which explains the delay in announcing the findings," Holland added.

The Breakthrough Listen project, a non-profit initiative, was launched in January 2016 by Israeli entrepreneur and physicist Yuri Milner. In 2019, Australia's Parkes Observatory detected a strange radio signal, but in 2021, Breakthrough Listen astronomers concluded it was likely a false positive caused by human interference. However, according to Holland, the team is now reconsidering their stance on the signal's origin.

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