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Take look Page. 27

Canadian WestJet flight attendant acts out safety demonstration
Canadian WestJet flight attendant acts out safety demonstration
The Day of Knowledge in Almaty
The Day of Knowledge in Almaty
Concert timed to 15th anniversary of Muz-TV
Concert timed to 15th anniversary of Muz-TV
Festival of extreme, drive and street dance
Festival of extreme, drive and street dance
New rioting in London
New rioting in London
Issyk-Kul lake in Kyrgyzstan
Issyk-Kul lake in Kyrgyzstan
Bike fest at Balkhash lake
Bike fest at Balkhash lake
Expedition along the path of Genghis Khan
Expedition along the path of Genghis Khan
Preparation for KazSat-2 launch
Preparation for KazSat-2 launch
Second ASTANA International Action Film Festival
Second ASTANA International Action Film Festival