How Kazakhstanis will rest in February - In February 2025, Kazakhstan residents can expect 20 workdays and 8 days off. has prepared a convenient calendar
Best place to relax in December: travel – December is the perfect time to travel: some dream of beaches and warm sun, others crave a fairytale Christmas atmosphere, and
Why people prefer to visit Borovoe in - Many believe that autumn is not the best time to visit Borovoe, but we've gathered recommendations to dispel those doubts.
Obama returns to Washington, fresh from vacationPresident Barack Obama returned to Washington late after spending two weeks vacationing on the posh island of Martha's Vineyard with his family.
Details of Kazakhstan nationals' arrest in Dubai unveiledTwo of the men arrested on the night of October 30 in Dubai were natives of Uralsk town in Kazakhstan: Asylbek Shukranov has been living in the UAE for 5 years and Kuanish Uteshev came on a tourist visa with his family.
06 November 2013
Obama back at White House after vacationPresident Barack Obama was back home at the White House late Sunday, ending his eight-day summer vacation at exclusive Martha's Vineyard off the US east coast.