
Prime-Minister site.news_by_theme

Hungary opposition to unite for anti-Orban protest
Hungary opposition to unite for anti-Orban protest
Afghan peace on the table as Pakistan PM heads to US
Afghan peace on the table as Pakistan PM heads to US
Libyan PM accuses 'political party' of kidnapping him
Libyan PM accuses 'political party' of kidnapping him
Australian PM in travel expenses furore
Australian PM in travel expenses furore
Canada threatens to pull Commonwealth funding
Canada threatens to pull Commonwealth funding
Ireland votes on scrapping upper house of parliament
Ireland votes on scrapping upper house of parliament
Italy's Letta tipped to defeat Berlusconi challenge
Italy's Letta tipped to defeat Berlusconi challenge
British PM gets on 'purr-fectly' with Downing St cat
British PM gets on 'purr-fectly' with Downing St cat
Kazakhstan’s PM Serik Akhmetov to visit Paris
Kazakhstan’s PM Serik Akhmetov to visit Paris
New Australian PM to stick with PNG boatpeople policy
New Australian PM to stick with PNG boatpeople policy
Crunch week for Italy as Berlusconi battles sanction
Crunch week for Italy as Berlusconi battles sanction
Australian election clock ticks down on divisive campaign
Australian election clock ticks down on divisive campaign
Senegal PM forms new government without singer Youssou N'Dour
Senegal PM forms new government without singer Youssou N'Dour
Australia PM Rudd clashes with pastor on gay marriage
Australia PM Rudd clashes with pastor on gay marriage
Japan PM pledges greater government role at Fukushima
Japan PM pledges greater government role at Fukushima
Australian PM says he is far from 'dead and buried'
Australian PM says he is far from 'dead and buried'
Egypt defiant on aid after arrest of Islamist chief
Egypt defiant on aid after arrest of Islamist chief
Australian PM's support slumps ahead of election
Australian PM's support slumps ahead of election
'No place' for sexism in Australia: PM Rudd
'No place' for sexism in Australia: PM Rudd
Norway PM turns taxi driver to find out 'what people really think'
Norway PM turns taxi driver to find out 'what people really think'