
Malta site.news_by_theme

Malta's opposition Labour party wins elections
Malta's opposition Labour party wins elections
Maltese Prime-Minister requests proof of Aliyev's crimes
Maltese Prime-Minister requests proof of Aliyev's crimes
Palestinian authority suspected of lobbying for Rakhat Aliyev’s relatives
Palestinian authority suspected of lobbying for Rakhat Aliyev’s relatives
Kazhegeldin wants to take anti-Aliyev case to European Court of Human Rights if Maltese police fails to investigate
Kazhegeldin wants to take anti-Aliyev case to European Court of Human Rights if Maltese police fails to investigate
Rakhat Aliyev tries to buy Malta Today but fails ... and starts accusing it of being biased
Rakhat Aliyev tries to buy Malta Today but fails ... and starts accusing it of being biased
Maltese Foreign Minister accused of receiving 150 thousand Euro from Aliyev
Maltese Foreign Minister accused of receiving 150 thousand Euro from Aliyev
Nazarbayev appointed Kazakhstan ambassador to Malta
Nazarbayev appointed Kazakhstan ambassador to Malta