The MMA RPAP vol.3 international tournament has opened on February 20 in Kapshagay, a town near Almaty in Kazakhstan, Tengrinews reports citig
The MMA tournament has gathered 20 professional figherst from Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Turkey. The fighters represent OPLOT, Patriot, Alyans, Russian Full Contact, Max Fighters (Uzbekistan), Shidokan MMA (Turkey) and Kazakhstani Alash Pride, Pankration Fight Team and Edil teams.
The fight between Firuz Mammadov from Turkish Shidokan MMA and Yermek Tlauov of the Kazakhstani Alash Pride was the headliner of the night.
The tournament is conducted under the supervision of an international judging panel, the head judge Igor Demidov from Russia and Russian referee of the octagon Nikolay Sharipov.
The MMA RPAP vol.3 tournament kicked off at 11:00 p.m. Astana time at the Royal Plaza Hotel & Casino in Kapshagay not far from Almaty. The tournament will be broadcasted live at, by Almaty TV chanel and Russian Boets TV channel.
The official weight in ceremony and face off started at 12:00 pm on February 20 at the ADK shopping mall in Almaty.
By Gyuzel Kamalova