During a sitting of AitPARK social-political discussion club Chairman of Kyrgyzstan alternative government, former Foreign Affairs Minister Alibek Dzhekshenkulov appealed to Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev asking to help Kyrgyzstan people out. “Dear Nursultan Abishevich, we need Kazakhstan support, in the good meaning of this word. Kyrgyzs are your brothers and they cannot walk the world with hat in hand. They have to count on themselves. Support and advice of Kazakhstan people could come in very useful,” he applied to the President of Kazakhstan . Earlier Tengrinews.kz reported that Dzhekshenkulov does not preclude integration of Kyrgyzstan with Kazakhstan or Russia. By Aizhan Tugelbayeva
During a sitting of AitPARK social-political discussion club Chairman of Kyrgyzstan alternative government, former Foreign Affairs Minister Alibek Dzhekshenkulov appealed to Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev asking to help Kyrgyzstan people out.
“Dear Nursultan Abishevich, we need Kazakhstan support, in the good meaning of this word. Kyrgyzs are your brothers and they cannot walk the world with hat in hand. They have to count on themselves. Support and advice of Kazakhstan people could come in very useful,” he applied to the President of Kazakhstan .
Earlier Tengrinews.kz reported that Dzhekshenkulov does not preclude integration of Kyrgyzstan with Kazakhstan or Russia.
By Aizhan Tugelbayeva