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Belarus PM: CU countries need joint defense order
Belarus PM: CU countries need joint defense order
Kazakhstan customs personnel will not be reduced in CU
Kazakhstan customs personnel will not be reduced in CU
Russia's Vice PM envies Kazakhstan
Russia's Vice PM envies Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan military forces blocked Chu valley
Kazakhstan military forces blocked Chu valley
Kyrgyzstan must learn from ethnic clashes: president
Kyrgyzstan must learn from ethnic clashes: president
Yanukovich is happy with trade partnership with Kazakhstan
Yanukovich is happy with trade partnership with Kazakhstan
89% percent of Kyrgyz power consumed by Astana
89% percent of Kyrgyz power consumed by Astana
CIS countries are not ready to sign Free Trade Agreement
CIS countries are not ready to sign Free Trade Agreement
Putin found no oil in Kazakhstan part of the Caspian shelf
Putin found no oil in Kazakhstan part of the Caspian shelf
Prime Minister Karim Massimov has a phone talk with Head of Russian Government Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister Karim Massimov has a phone talk with Head of Russian Government Vladimir Putin
Kazakhstan and Russia to jointly use Bugristoye customs facility
Kazakhstan and Russia to jointly use Bugristoye customs facility
Prime-Ministers of CU countries to meet in Minsk on May 19
Prime-Ministers of CU countries to meet in Minsk on May 19
Q1 2011 inflation rate in Kazakhstan lowest in the CIS
Q1 2011 inflation rate in Kazakhstan lowest in the CIS
Number of Russian enterprises in Kazakhstan on the rise
Number of Russian enterprises in Kazakhstan on the rise
Dzhekshenkulov to Nazarbayev: Kyrgyzs can't walk with hat in hand
Dzhekshenkulov to Nazarbayev: Kyrgyzs can't walk with hat in hand
Kyrgyzstan alternative Prime-Minister does not preclude integration with Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan alternative Prime-Minister does not preclude integration with Kazakhstan
CSTO member-states plan training in Kyrgyzstan
CSTO member-states plan training in Kyrgyzstan
Khrunichev Space Center pays full compensation for delay of KazSat-2 launch
Khrunichev Space Center pays full compensation for delay of KazSat-2 launch
Kazakhstan to help Kyrgyzstan repair armored vehicles
Kazakhstan to help Kyrgyzstan repair armored vehicles
Nazarbayev arrived in Kiev for nuclear energy summit
Nazarbayev arrived in Kiev for nuclear energy summit