Festival of nomadic civilization Millennia around Astana was held in the capital of Kazakhstan from July 3 to 6, Tengrinews reports.
The festival welcomed visitors near Khan Shatyr shopping mall from morning to late night.
The festival grounds had 25 yurts - traditional nomadic tents - with over 300 people working at the event, introducing visitors to the centuries-old culture of nomads. Under the white cupola Kazakhstani musicians performed ethnic music.
Playgrounds for kids decorated in national style were set near the ethnic village. The playground was called Kiiz Kalashyk, which translates “A little town made of felt”. There kids could play with toys made of felt.
According to organisers, the festival was inspired by and timed to the 550 anniversary of Kazakh Khaganate.
Visitors of the ethnic village will given a horse show At Zhalyn and Altyn Saqa and could listen to traditional Aitys song competition between two Aqyns (improvising poets and singers). Aytys song competition started at 7:30 pm and continued until 11:00 pm.
Nomad stunt group from Almaty was invited to perform an equestrian show.
Visitors could also take part in traditional art and craft workshops.
Folk art and craft fair presenting the diversity and richness of the material culture of nomadic people was also part of the festival.
Ritual Songs Programs were organised to enable visitors to track and experience the life journey of a nomad with actors.
A show of falcons and tight ropewalkers from Tashkent also took place at the festival.
Festival of nomadic civilization Millennia around Astana was held for the 8th time in Astana.
Reporting by Aidana Usupova, writing by Gyuzel Kamalova, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina