11-year-old schoolboy from Kazakhstan Aldiyar Bozhbanov has invented an unusual charger that works with the help of muscular power. The student from Karaganda lyceum №101 presented his project in adult competition of business ideas "Atameken StartUp". He was awarded a special cash prize of 100 thousand tenge ($550), Tengrinews reports citing the newspaper "Nasha Yarmarka".
Standing in front of the picky jury, Aldiyar confidently explained how one can recharge a cellphone anywhere and at any time. There is no need for outlets and cords. The invention avails on converting mechanical energy into electric power.
The lever lends itself even to a four year old. One only needs pressing a special lever for the charging to begin. A crank mechanism starts rotating, creating thereby a magnetic field. The charger even has a solar panel. That is, if the weather is favorable, solar energy can also be used.
Aldiyar very convincingly explained the financial side of his idea as well. The cost of all parts is low. the student plans to build the first batch of the devices himself. This is what the young inventor is planning to spend the prize money on – parts for his first chargers. Later, the Aldiyarov family plans to get professionals to help launch mass production of the device.
The boy's mother Raushan Zhambekovna said it was especially enjoyable when the son was approached by a businessman, who said "Here is our future!" pointing to the young boy.
She said that the young inventor has always been a bright kid. He started going to school at the age of four, 2 years earlier then most kids. Being 11 y.o. he is in the seventh grade. "My son reads a lot and has been amazed everyone with encyclopedic knowledge from early age,” the mother said proudly.
"He is very independent and solves all the problems by himself,” the boy's mother said. “He loves obtaining new knowledge."
Aldiyar also has a zero-waste recycling project, which he plans to present at the EXPO-2017 to be held in Kazakhstan's Astana. "The main goal for me is that trash does not surround us, does not rot on the streets and poison people. It must bring benefit,” Aldiyar said. “A also have project that involves cracking of water. Hydrogen is used as fuel for transport. Oxygen - in medicine. With this, a liquefier allows pumping up biogas in gas cylinders and selling it to the public. Then people won’t have to spend money on electricity and be slaves of the housing and utility services. It is necessary to adopt a law that would allow selling biogas.”
Aldiyar wants to first realize this ambitious idea at this school and then in his native Gulder district. He is practically obsessed with the project. "Biogas plants are not difficult to construct, both domestic and industrial,” the inventor said. “In particular, the entire school trash, leaves, branches can be converted to heat and electricity. And then the school will save money on utility bills, and everything around will be cleaner."
It is almost impossible to believe these words are said by a kid!
His Mom added: "We have a preliminary agreement with the Akimat (Mayor’s Office), with the Chamber of entrepreneurs. We dream that the installation invented by our son starts working in Karaganda. And we will become the first city, where a program of complete waste-free cycle of recycling comes to be. This means clean environment and healthy population."
By Dinara Urazova

11-year-old schoolboy from Kazakhstan Aldiyar Bozhbanov has invented an unusual charger that works with the help of muscular power. The student from Karaganda lyceum №101 presented his project in adult competition of business ideas "Atameken StartUp". He was awarded a special cash prize of 100 thousand tenge ($550), Tengrinews reports citing the newspaper "Nasha Yarmarka".
Standing in front of the picky jury, Aldiyar confidently explained how one can recharge a cellphone anywhere and at any time. There is no need for outlets and cords. The invention avails on converting mechanical energy into electric power.
The lever lends itself even to a four year old. One only needs pressing a special lever for the charging to begin. A crank mechanism starts rotating, creating thereby a magnetic field. The charger even has a solar panel. That is, if the weather is favorable, solar energy can also be used.
Aldiyar very convincingly explained the financial side of his idea as well. The cost of all parts is low. the student plans to build the first batch of the devices himself. This is what the young inventor is planning to spend the prize money on – parts for his first chargers. Later, the Aldiyarov family plans to get professionals to help launch mass production of the device.
The boy's mother Raushan Zhambekovna said it was especially enjoyable when the son was approached by a businessman, who said "Here is our future!" pointing to the young boy.
She said that the young inventor has always been a bright kid. He started going to school at the age of four, 2 years earlier then most kids. Being 11 y.o. he is in the seventh grade. "My son reads a lot and has been amazed everyone with encyclopedic knowledge from early age,” the mother said proudly.
"He is very independent and solves all the problems by himself,” the boy's mother said. “He loves obtaining new knowledge."
Aldiyar also has a zero-waste recycling project, which he plans to present at the EXPO-2017 to be held in Kazakhstan's Astana. "The main goal for me is that trash does not surround us, does not rot on the streets and poison people. It must bring benefit,” Aldiyar said. “A also have project that involves cracking of water. Hydrogen is used as fuel for transport. Oxygen - in medicine. With this, a liquefier allows pumping up biogas in gas cylinders and selling it to the public. Then people won’t have to spend money on electricity and be slaves of the housing and utility services. It is necessary to adopt a law that would allow selling biogas.”
Aldiyar wants to first realize this ambitious idea at this school and then in his native Gulder district. He is practically obsessed with the project. "Biogas plants are not difficult to construct, both domestic and industrial,” the inventor said. “In particular, the entire school trash, leaves, branches can be converted to heat and electricity. And then the school will save money on utility bills, and everything around will be cleaner."
It is almost impossible to believe these words are said by a kid!
His Mom added: "We have a preliminary agreement with the Akimat (Mayor’s Office), with the Chamber of entrepreneurs. We dream that the installation invented by our son starts working in Karaganda. And we will become the first city, where a program of complete waste-free cycle of recycling comes to be. This means clean environment and healthy population."
By Dinara Urazova