The Vice Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan Madina Abylkassymova reported an increase of qualified work force outflow from Kazakhstan at the Migration Process Tendencies and Social Aspects roundtable meeting in Astana.
“Today in the labour market, we observe an outflow of qualified work force from Kazakhstan and inflow of unqualified work force that does not have professional skills. As a result, the expenses of the government to train replacements for the professionals leaving Kazakhstan, to educate and retrain the incoming unqualified labourers are growing. Over the past fours years, the number of emigrants with higher education has outnumbered the number of skilled immigrants by 65%. The largest net outflow of skilled professionals is in technical, economic and teaching professions,” the Vice Minister said.
Moreover, there are no effective mechanisms for attracting highly qualified foreign professionals in the prioritised sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy. “These trends undermine the quality of human capital and require immediate solution,” Abylkassynova added.
Meanwhile, the government is actively working on introducing visa free entrance for citizens of countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In addition, the legislation concerning foreign work force is currently being revised.
Another issue prominent in Kazakhstan is the unbalance of human resources in different regions. “The demographic situation in the northern regions is deteriorating as a result of permanent migration from these regions of Kazakhstan to Russia,” Abylkassymova added. In this regard, the Vice Minister suggested a more dynamic development model for northern cities and regions.
Reporting by Asem Khassenova, writing by Gyuzel Kamalova, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina