Tengrinews.kz – Kazhydromet has shared the weather forecast for residents of Kazakhstan for Friday, March 28.
Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Easterly wind at 7–12 m/s. Nighttime temperature: -3 to -5°C, daytime: +7 to +9°C.
Partly cloudy, with rain expected during the day. Easterly wind at 3–8 m/s, gusts up to 15 m/s during the day. Night: 0 to +2°C, day: +6 to +8°C.
Partly cloudy, with rain during the first half of the night. East and southeast wind at 5–10 m/s. Night: +1 to +3°C, day: +10 to +12°C.
Akmola Region
No precipitation. Easterly wind at 9–14 m/s. Night: -1 to -6°C, in the east up to -9°C, day: +7 to +12°C. Kokshetau: Mostly clear, no precipitation. Wind: 2–7 m/s. Night: -1 to -3°C, day: +10 to +12°C.
Almaty Region
At night in the west, south, and mountain areas: rain and snow. During the day: rain in the west and south, rain and snow in the mountains. Fog in the southern and mountainous areas. East wind 9–14 m/s, gusts up to 25 m/s. Night: -2 to +3°C, -5°C in mountain areas; day: +3 to +8°C, around 0°C in the mountains. Konaev: Partly cloudy, rain during the day. Wind gusts up to 25 m/s. Night: 0 to +2°C, day: +5 to +7°C.
Zhetysu Region
Light rain during the day in the center and south. Northeast wind 9–14 m/s, gusts up to 30 m/s near Lake Alakol. Night: -2 to -7°C, in the mountains -11 to -16°C, south up to +1°C; day: +8 to +13°C, +1°C in mountain areas. Taldykorgan: Partly cloudy, light rain in the afternoon. Night: -3 to -5°C, day: +8 to +10°C.
Turkestan Region
Rain at night in the west and south, rain and snow in the mountains, fog; during the day, light rain in the mountains. East and southeast wind at 8–13 m/s. Night: 0 to +5°C, in the north and mountains -3°C; day: +10 to +15°C, in the mountains +7°C. Turkestan: Partly cloudy, rain in the first half of the night. Night: +1 to +3°C, day: +12 to +14°C.
West Kazakhstan Region
Light rain in the west during the day. Fog in the west, north, and east. Southeast wind at 5–10 m/s. Night: -5 to 0°C, up to +5°C in the west; day: +10 to +15°C, up to +18°C in the west. Uralsk: Partly cloudy, no precipitation, fog. Night: -2 to -4°C, day: +12 to +14°C.
Atyrau Region
No precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning in the west. East and southeast wind 7–12 m/s. Night: -2 to +3°C, day: +10 to +15°C. Atyrau: Mostly clear, no precipitation. Night: 0 to +2°C, day: +13 to +15°C.
Mangystau Region
Light rain in the south at night. Fog at night and in the morning in the west and south. South and southeast wind 7–12 m/s. Night: 0 to +5°C, day: +11 to +16°C. Aktau: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Fog at night. Night: +3 to +5°C, day: +13 to +15°C.
Aktobe Region
No precipitation. East and southeast wind 9–14 m/s. Night: -0 to -5°C, day: +7 to +12°C. Aktobe: Mostly clear, no precipitation. Night: -1 to -3°C, day: +9 to +11°C.
Kostanay Region
No precipitation. East and southeast wind 9–14 m/s. Night: -1 to -6°C, day: +7 to +12°C, +4°C in the east. Kostanay: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Night: -2 to -4°C, day: +10 to +12°C.
North Kazakhstan Region
No precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning in the west and east. Southeast wind 9–14 m/s. Night: -0 to -5°C, in the south -8°C; day: +8 to +13°C, in the south +5°C. Petropavlovsk: No precipitation, fog at night and morning. Night: -0 to -5°C, day: +8 to +13°C.
Pavlodar Region
No precipitation. Southeast wind 5–10 m/s. Night: -2 to -7°C, day: +7 to +12°C. Pavlodar: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Night: -3 to -5°C, day: +9 to +11°C.
Karaganda Region
No precipitation. Northeast and east wind 9–14 m/s, up to 18 m/s in the southeast. Night: -2 to -7°C, in the east down to -10°C; day: +5 to +10°C, in the east +2°C. Karaganda: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Night: -3 to -5°C, day: +5 to +7°C.
Ulytau Region
No precipitation. East and southeast wind 8–13 m/s. Night: -0 to -5°C, day: +5 to +10°C, +2°C in the north. Zhezkazgan: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Night: -0 to -2°C, day: +5 to +7°C.
East Kazakhstan Region
No precipitation. Northeast and east wind 9–14 m/s. Night: -10 to -15°C, in the north and east -20°C, in the south -5°C; day: +3 to +8°C, in the east -2°C. Ust-Kamenogorsk: Mostly clear, no precipitation. Night: -10 to -12°C, day: +5 to +7°C.
Abai Region
No precipitation. Dust storm in the south. Northeast and east win 9–14 m/s, up to 20 m/s in the south. Night: -5 to -10°C, in the east -15°C, in the south -2°C; day: +6 to +11°C, in the east +3°C. Semey: Mostly clear, no precipitation. Night: -5 to -7°C, day: +8 to +10°C.
Kyzylorda Region
No precipitation. Southwest wind 9–14 m/s. Night: 0 to +5°C, day: +8 to +13°C. Kyzylorda: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Night: 0 to +2°C, day: +10 to +12°C.
Zhambyl Region
Rain and snow at night in the north, south, and mountains; fog and ice, sometimes heavy precipitation in the mountains. Daytime: rain in the north and south, rain and snow in the mountains, ice. Southwest wind shifting to northwest 9–14 m/s, up to 20 m/s in mountain areas. Night: -2 to +3°C, in the north and mountains -5°C; day: +5 to +10°C, in the mountains +2°C. Taraz: Partly cloudy, rain and snow at night, ice; rain during the day, fog at times. Night: 0 to +2°C, day: +6 to +8°C.