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Jihadists 'shave beards' as pressure builds on Mosul
Jihadists 'shave beards' as pressure builds on Mosul
Sweden re-militarises Baltic island of Gotland
Sweden re-militarises Baltic island of Gotland
US to give Philippines military planes
US to give Philippines military planes
China bans exports of nuclear-use technology to North Korea
China bans exports of nuclear-use technology to North Korea
Russia to set up joint air defence system with ex-Soviet allies, including Kazakhstan
Russia to set up joint air defence system with ex-Soviet allies, including Kazakhstan
Japan agrees to lease military aircraft to Philippines
Japan agrees to lease military aircraft to Philippines
Obama seeks Gulf help against IS despite strains
Obama seeks Gulf help against IS despite strains
Moscow begins withdrawal of military equipment from Syria
Moscow begins withdrawal of military equipment from Syria
Names of 22,000 IS members leaked to news channel
Names of 22,000 IS members leaked to news channel
China defence spending to rise '7 to 8%' in 2016
China defence spending to rise '7 to 8%' in 2016
Moscow warns US over missile system deployment to S. Korea
Moscow warns US over missile system deployment to S. Korea
US missile shield spotlights divisions on handling N. Korea
US missile shield spotlights divisions on handling N. Korea
Does North Korea have 'H' or 'A' bomb?
Does North Korea have 'H' or 'A' bomb?
Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry'
Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry'
Kazakhstani peacekeeping corps expands training
Kazakhstani peacekeeping corps expands training
Turkey seeks to ease tensions after downing of Russian warplane
Turkey seeks to ease tensions after downing of Russian warplane
This is a point of no return in Syrian crisis: Yerlan Karin about Russian warplane shot down by Turkey
This is a point of no return in Syrian crisis: Yerlan Karin about Russian warplane shot down by Turkey
Trudeau tells Obama Canada will be 'strong' partner against IS
Trudeau tells Obama Canada will be 'strong' partner against IS
Putin tells navy in Mediterranean to work with French 'as allies'
Putin tells navy in Mediterranean to work with French 'as allies'
Canada to send more military trainers to Iraq: Trudeau
Canada to send more military trainers to Iraq: Trudeau