Tengrinews.kz - Kazakhstanis are eager for a fast train connection between Astana and Borovoe. Whether such a train will be launched anytime soon was clarified by JSC "Passenger Transportation" in a response to Tengrinews.kz.
A reader reached out to inquire about the possibility of a high-speed train to this popular tourist destination.
"I really hope there will be a fast train from Astana to Borovoe. Could you let us know if it's likely to happen soon? Ideally, a trip that would take just 1.5 hours," she asked.
We asked for a comment in the press service of JSC "Passenger Transportation".
"Regarding high-speed routes: the national carrier is exploring the possibility of reducing the travel time for the electric train on the Astana–Borovoe route. At this stage, it's still in the planning phase. Technical aspects, particularly safety, compliance with regulations, speed limits, and other factors, must be considered”, - answered the company.
For now, the idea of a high-speed train remains in the planning stages, with no concrete details available.
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