Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Astana for the next three days, from January 17 to 19.
Weather forecast in Astana
January 17: Partly cloudy with occasional snow and drifting snow. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s, with gusts reaching 15-18 m/s in the morning and afternoon. Nighttime temperatures will range from -11°C to -13°C, while daytime temperatures will be between -6°C and -8°C.
January 18: Partly cloudy with occasional light snow and drifting snow. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will be -10°C to -12°C, with daytime temperatures between -7°C and -9°C.
January 19: Partly cloudy with occasional light snow and drifting snow. Southwesterly wind at 9-14 m/s. Nighttime temperatures will be -12°C to -14°C, while daytime temperatures will range from -5°C to -7°C.
Earlier, Kazhydromet meteorologists provided a forecast for Kazakhstan for January 16, 17, and 18. According to their predictions, after a brief respite, another Atlantic cyclone is moving into the country, bringing precipitation.