Tengrinews.kz - In the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation, flood waters flooded the city of Asha, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
The region borders the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan.
At the same time, 70 people, including 20 children, were evacuated from the flooded streets of the city in the Chelyabinsk region.
"As a result of ice jams on the Sim River and precipitation, the water level rose, which led to the flooding of 31 household plots along Matrosova, Naberezhnaya, Oktyabrskaya, Zarechnaya streets in the city of Asha," the report says.
The Sim River bed was cleared with the help of an excavator and a manipulator.
"The water level along Matrosova, Oktyabrskaya, and Zarechnaya streets dropped by 1 meter, 15 residential buildings and garden plots were freed from water. 16 residential buildings and garden plots along Dekabristov and Naberezhnaya streets remain flooded," the information states.
According to the department, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, units of the regional search and rescue service, a working group of the main department with unmanned aerial vehicles, and forces of a specialized fire and rescue unit are participating in eliminating the consequences of the passage of flood waters.
By the way, the authorities of the Kostanay region reported that somewhere around the period of Nauryz, until the beginning of April, they expect the peak of the flood due to an increase in air temperature to +17 degrees. At the same time, large-scale flooding was not predicted.
Read also: Over 200 people evacuated by boat in Aktobe region