Tengrinews.kz - The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced several updates for the messaging app.
"I love the Telegram team. Just yesterday, I suggested 10 improvements to our apps. We had mockups ready the same day, and today, we already have fully functional builds with these features implemented," he wrote on his Telegram channel.
According to him, these updates include five improvements for gifts, three for hashtags, the ability to add media to a message after it's been sent, as well as the ability to view the time when a message was edited.
"All in just one day. It’s no surprise that the Telegram team has shaped how most messaging apps work today, contributing to nearly every innovation in communication," the businessman noted.
Earlier, Durov mentioned that the messenger introduced gifts, which are a great way to congratulate loved ones on important occasions.
Pavel Durov, announced that the "People Nearby" feature will no longer be available in the app. According to him, less than 0.1% of users used this feature, which allowed finding nearby users and groups. Issues with bots and scammers were the main reasons for its removal.