Tengrinews.kz - eGov.kz has updated services for people with disabilities.
"Thanks to the updated service, guardians of individuals over the age of 18 who have been declared legally incapacitated by the court can now submit online applications for special services through the eGov.kz portal," the Public Relations Department of JSC "National Information Technologies" reported.
Previously, guardians of incapacitated adults had to gather paper documents and wait in lines to process special applications.
Guardians can now apply online for the following government services:
- provision of prosthetic and orthopedic assistance;
- access to personal assistant services for individuals with a Group I disability who have mobility difficulties;
- provision of technical auxiliary (compensatory) devices;
- provision of special mobility aids;
- access to sanatorium and health resort treatment;
- use of sign language specialist services (60 hours per year);
- access to special social services for home care;
- access to special social services in medical and social institutions.
To access the services, users need to:
- log in to the eGov.kz portal and navigate to the "Social security provision" section;
- then, in the "Support for people with disabilities" section, select the required service from the provided list;
- sign the service request using an electronic digital signature (EDS).
Users can check the service result in their personal account (in the "Service history" section). A notification about the application processing will be sent within the timeframe specified by the state authority.
Earlier, Kazakhstanis can now voluntarily refuse to receive bank loans and microloans for an unlimited period of time. The new service has been introduced on the eGov.kz portal.