KazMunaiGas National Oil Company (KMG) purchased 100% stake in Aktaunefteservis (ANS), KazTAG reports citing KMG’s press-service. ANS was bought by Cooperative KMG PKI UA (100% affiliated company of KMG) that owns 50 percent of MMG (MangistauMunaiGas). The ANS deal cost $334 million,” the press-release writes. The new owner promised to Implement projects that will help increase quality of ANS services and create a synergetic effect for the whole KMG group. Besides, replacement of the former private owners with KazMunaiGas National Oil Company will help strengthen social stability of both inside the ANS group and in the area, the press-release said.
KazMunaiGas National Oil Company (KMG) purchased 100% stake in Aktaunefteservis (ANS), KazTAG reports citing KMG’s press-service.
ANS was bought by Cooperative KMG PKI UA (100% affiliated company of KMG) that owns 50 percent of MMG (MangistauMunaiGas). The ANS deal cost $334 million,” the press-release writes.
The new owner promised to Implement projects that will help increase quality of ANS services and create a synergetic effect for the whole KMG group. Besides, replacement of the former private owners with KazMunaiGas National Oil Company will help strengthen social stability of both inside the ANS group and in the area, the press-release said.