Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet has provided the weather forecast for Almaty for January 21 to 23.
Almaty weather forecast
January 21: Partly cloudy, no precipitation. Fog at night and in the morning. Wind at 2-7 m/s. Temperature at night will be -2 to -4°C. Daytime will be +3 to +5°C.
January 22: Cloudy, snow, occasionally heavy. Periodic fog, ice, and packed snow on roads. Northwesterly wind at 3-8 m/s. Temperature at night and during the day will be 0 to -2°C, with further cooling in the afternoon.
January 23: Partly cloudy, occasional snow, fog, and ice. Northeasterly wind at 2-7 m/s. Temperature at night -11 to -13°C, daytime -7 to -9°C.
Earlier, Kazhydromet reported that on January 21-22, Kazakhstan will be affected by a northwestern cyclone, bringing snow, blizzards, rain, and strong winds reaching 30 m/s or more, especially in the east and south. A cold anticyclone will follow, causing a sharp drop in temperature to -25…-35°C in the north and -15…-25°C in the south.