Tengrinews.kz - 500 illegal trading facilities will be closed in Almaty, according to the city akimat (local government administration).
The akimat of Almaty reported that from January 27 to February 17, the department of entrepreneurship and investment will conduct a mass dismantling of illegal trading facilities installed on state fund lands. Special working commissions have been created in all districts of the city, which include representatives of state bodies, the prosecutor's office and the police department, maslikhat deputies, members of the public council and "Atameken."
During dismantling, the retail outlets are disconnected from electricity and water supply. The police ensure public order at the dismantling site.
To date, there are 500 illegally installed retail facilities on state fund lands in the city. Preliminary, 200 owners of illegally installed retail outlets were sent notices about the need to carry out voluntary dismantling.
Photo: Almaty akimat press service
As a result of monitoring, 49 locations of mass accumulation of spontaneous trade (located in the vicinity of large markets, parks, and squares) were identified in Almaty, where over 1.2 thousand traders are located without permission. Administrative measures are applied to illegal spontaneous trade under Articles 204 ("Trade in unauthorized places") and 505 ("Violation of the rules for the improvement of the territories of cities and settlements") of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Earlier, Almaty's mobility department announced that several key transport projects would be completed in the city in 2025.