Tengrinews.kz - Dietitian, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mariyat Mukhina named the healthiest fish for elderly people, referring to "Moscow-24."
According to her, cod, pollock, and hake are the most beneficial. These types of fish are rich in iodine, as well as contain protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, this fish is quite affordable.
"Iodine activates the thyroid gland, its hormone synthesis, and metabolism. It is especially needed by the elderly, particularly those who live far from the sea," noted the expert.
"Polyunsaturated fatty acids are responsible for metabolic processes, heart and vascular health, and the prevention of vascular catastrophes," Mukhina added.
Moreover, the protein in fish serves as a building block for cells and the synthesis of antibodies, which fight infections, explained the dietitian.
The doctor added that elderly people should include fish in their diet five times a week, in amounts of 150-200 grams per day. Frying the fish creates harmful carcinogens, so it is best to steam, stew, or bake it.