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Huge glacier retreat triggered in 1940s
Huge glacier retreat triggered in 1940s
Earth sees hottest year-to-date in modern era: US
Earth sees hottest year-to-date in modern era: US
Aping jazz greats, orangutan makes music Down Under
Aping jazz greats, orangutan makes music Down Under
July was Earth's hottest month in modern times
July was Earth's hottest month in modern times
Elephant with 'sabre-tooth' tusks found in Malaysia
Elephant with 'sabre-tooth' tusks found in Malaysia
France becomes first major nation to ratify UN climate deal
France becomes first major nation to ratify UN climate deal
Renewable energy sources grew at record pace in 2015: study
Renewable energy sources grew at record pace in 2015: study
80 percent of world's city dwellers breathing bad air: UN
80 percent of world's city dwellers breathing bad air: UN
Wave of dead sea creatures hits Chile's beaches
Wave of dead sea creatures hits Chile's beaches
Tonnes of clams die in Vietnam as toxic leak fears mount
Tonnes of clams die in Vietnam as toxic leak fears mount
First signs of coral bleaching in Sydney Harbour: scientists
First signs of coral bleaching in Sydney Harbour: scientists
ExxonMobil, Rockefellers face off in climate battle
ExxonMobil, Rockefellers face off in climate battle
UNESCO adds Kazakhstani site to list of biosphere reserves
UNESCO adds Kazakhstani site to list of biosphere reserves
Rising seas swamp Marshall Islands
Rising seas swamp Marshall Islands
Once extinct, world's last wild horse returns to steppes
Once extinct, world's last wild horse returns to steppes
Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace
Mutations, DNA damage seen in Fukushima forests: Greenpeace
Climate change 'forcing species to move'
Climate change 'forcing species to move'
Russia 'warming 2.5 times quicker' than global average: ministry
Russia 'warming 2.5 times quicker' than global average: ministry
Thousands of plants cut production as Beijing smog persists
Thousands of plants cut production as Beijing smog persists
'Virtual trees' turn the Eiffel Tower green for COP21
'Virtual trees' turn the Eiffel Tower green for COP21